Why are Democrats going to the bed over USAID, of all companies? Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow in the American Enterprise Institute and a long-time Democrat planner, questions the propensityity of the liberal left and raises the same questions.
USAID is not 100 % bad. A significant portion of its$ 40 billion budget is used to “teach people how to fish.” USAID plans don’t simply offer food away. They teach individuals how to remain intact. Directly and indirectly, USAID feeds around 150 million people a time who otherwise may die.  ,
My explanation is not that USAID don’t be destroyed. To counteract China’s growing influence in a number of crucial strategic areas, there needs to be some organization to work” soft power.” China is thrilled that USAID has been destroyed. To the eternal appreciation of the governments and people, they are now moving into areas that the agency has abandoned.
Teixeira acknowledges the extraordinary spare, like foolish offers to market “diversity” in Africa and giving cash to terrorists.  ,
Teixeira also makes the point that Democrats haven’t taken the necessary training from the November elections.
” If citizens dislike something, it’s government and international support. And USAID is a 10, 000-employee bureaucracy—housed in a luxurious building on prime downtown true estate—that spends$ 40 billion a month on various nations”. He quotes Chicago president Rahm Emanuel and former Obama chief of staff.
” You don’t fight every battle. You don’t bounce at every pitch”, Emanuel told , Politico. ” And my watch is—while I care about the USAID as a former ambassador—that’s not the valley I’m going to die on”.
That “hill” is collected and full of baits. In a 2023 AP-NORC poll, “69 percent of respondents thought U. S. government spending in this area was ‘ to much’, 20 percent,’ on right’, and only 10 percent’ to little,'” Teixeira notes.
Supporters of foreign aid typically address critics by remarking that it accounts for only 1 % of national saving and that they should instead look elsewhere to balance the budget. This discussion completely ignores the fact that homelessness is given a higher priority by taxpayers.
Americans are willing to donate a lot of money to alleviating real struggling abroad, but they also want peace of mind that the government has already done its part to meet local needs. USAID’s budget would cover the$ 23 billion maintenance backlog at the national parks, for example, with money left over.
In response to such fears, the “only 1 percentage” range provides little but a condescending non sequitur.
Democrats are trying to figure out a way to counteract Trump’s full assault on the state, besides yelling about “lawlessness.”
Democratic candidates have come to represent an elite group in the minds of many voters, and this will seem to represent an elite passion, according to political strategist David Axelrod, who spoke to Politico about the USAID fight.
They]Democrats ] want to preserve the structure as is, not offer priority sets that would necessarily prompt scale-down decisions. They are using the time-tested and often productive method of Victim Naming, or if you will, the Poster Child Strategy.  ,
This was easily foreseen, and it was exactly what I anticipated would occur when these USAID plans were exposed and shut down. As a way to defend the entire corrupt structure, The Democrats and Protection Racket Media ( a redundancy ) would cherry-pick a few respectable spending decisions. And that is what we have seen, with references to hardship programs that will obstruct actual philanthropic efforts and references to a few medical trials that should have been managed by NIH, never USAID. And that’s assuming that the cash reached those consumers in the first place, less than 5 % of USAID’s Haiti system spending reached Haitians, apparently.
It’s not that USAID’s crimes hadn’t been exposed before. Some Republicans, including Kentucky Senator Rand Paul, had been highlighting DEI funding and grants to jihadists in countries where it was even more absurd than in the United States.
Liberals are stomping it by focusing all of their might on USAID protection. It’s what you would anticipate elites to do.