Trump is absolutely shaking: Around 100 show up in a town of 700, 000
As evidenced by their methods from the 2017-2021 era, progressive school students across the country actually don’t understand what to do now that Donald Trump is back in office.
The Vanderbilt Hustler just reported on how about 100 students from Northern Kentucky University and Volunteer State Community College gathered in Nashville, Tennessee to yell obscenities about The Donald and Project 2025.
The demonstration was a part of the 50501 movement ( 50 protests in all 50 states in a single day, get it? ) ), a rumored “decentralized rapid response to the Trump administration’s anti-democratic and unlawful steps” and its totalitarian allies.
The 50501’s two “partners” are No Voice Unheard and Political Revolution, which “advances politics in America through democratic community activism.”
The former is so “progressive” that it doesn’t allow any links from X ( Twitter ) via its Reddit account ( because “fuck Nazis” ), and has a merchandise section featuring a Neck” Fist” Gaiter ( is it still 2021? ).
The protesters in Nashville carried evidence that read,” When the citizens have little left to eat, they will have the rich,”” Say no to murder prohibit ICE,” and” Hands off our ladies.”
Some activists wore Mexican flags, and the message” We are refugees on stolen land” was displayed on symptoms.
And don’t forget the” All lives matter, God is love, this is , not God’s will, Love Trump’s ]sic ] hate, Impeach Hitler# 47″. Classic.
Kay Wright, a student at Belmont University, stated,” We are protesting against Trump and the numerous plans he’s put in place for candidacy.” Individuals are not unlawful. Gay privileges are right. Trans individuals are true”.
Vandy’s Association for Latin American Kids advertised the opposition, but when asked about it by The Hustler , its leader said” we don’t really know what Project 2025 entails as a whole other than the elements that problem persecution, membership, immigration and stuff like that”.
Vanderbilt College Democrats President Andrew Kyung said the” systematic]dismantling ] of government agencies” shows the Trump administration is engaging “in a troubling shift towards authoritarian governance”.
Given Nashville’s population is roughly 700, 000 and overwhelmingly Democratic ( despite Tennessee as a whole going for Trump by almost 2-to-1 in November ), the fact that the 50501-ers could draw barely over 100 protesters is pretty pathetic.
MORE: A” cultural assault against our humanity” by leftist student organizations at Duke job fair
Which leads to regional news reporting on simpletons from an adjacent state like this:
Elon Musk may not be able to use the resources and American citizens as he does under the Constitution. I believe that we should all be truly alarmed because this is a revolution by an immigrant from an apartheid nation who is staging Nazi chants at authorities functions. The price of meals is going to go up, solutions are going to disintegrate, and it really is going to affect everyone.
Oh, she’s immediately concerned about high food prices! Just like the popular media! Of program!
50501 is planning another Nashville rally on Monday, again at the state senate because it’s to occasion to “reclaim President’s Day, a day usually recognized to honor the president — not a King &, and his hand-picked, appointed, overlooked, sycophant, scammer tech bros”.
Democrats and the Democrat Party really are in difficulties, at present. Using strategies from Trump’s second term isn’t going to cut it, and making crazy demands like those from Richmond, Virginia’s 50501 protest — Trump if” step over or be removed from office”,” stronger laws on hate speech and getting diversity”, and” conduct a mass investigation into the politicians appointed by Trump”, among others — only elicit guffaws of disbelief.
The party should take Clay Travis ‘ advice from a recent University of Chicago appearance seriously (emphasis added ):
” Trump took a bullet in his ear and immediately stood up and said,’ fight, fight, fight.’ Every man in America and the majority of the women who live here were impressed by that. Even if the women won’t admit it. Democrats for men are pussies. There are no masculine men in the Democrat Party right now” ( start at 2: 39 in video below ).
After Clay Travis claims that men view Democrats as “pussies,” he audible gasps from University of Chicago audience members.
Daniel Cox:” Young men have not become much more conservative, at least according to Gallup, but they have become more Republican. They’re still well, to the… pic.— Eric Abbenante ( @EricAbbenante ) February 13, 2025
But it won’t. And that’s perfectly fine by me.
MORE: Trump fires’ woke’ advisory board leaders at military academies
IMAGES: 1ividd, Virgil Davis Hunt/X
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