It’s a simple, straightforward calculation: Politicians need money — lots and lots of money — to stay in strength. ( It isn’t exactly true since their election levels are sky-high anyhow. But I guess when it’s their jobs on the line, it’s” all hands on deck”. ) Businesses desire over politicians ‘ influence: The proper tax break or the incorrect rules can affect your business.  ,
That’s a fancy motivation.
Not too long ago, when lawmakers had nominal control over companies, businesses frequently ignored politicians. No place alienating half your visitors, right? But in today’s time of crony capitalism, favor-peddling, and political lawfare, companies can’t manage to get unbiased again. It’s very cheap.
Instead, they’ve gotta pick a side and give the entrance fee. It’s basically the “protection racket” that” Italian gentlemen” ( ahem ) perfected in the 1950s.
Because it’s simpler to pay politicians than to battle them, this is what happens when they meddle in business.
It’s just too risky out there today. Your organization needs D. C. “muscle” to succeed. In order to choose one of the two biggest crime people, the Republican Party or the Democratic Party, you may choose either of these. You’ve gotta find one area or the other.
Roddy Piper put it this way:
So the companies give cash to the officials. Finally, the officials “do benefits” the companies, helping them out and kneecapping their competitors. ( “Fuhgedda bowdit”! ) That’s how the democratic game is played.
No group has been influenced to alter the game’s principles for the majority of the past 50 years. Hey, why should they? In a linear social system, both flanks benefited from the design! Political politicians is actually a billion-dollar business.  ,
One area is selling chocolate, cookies, and sugary treats, the other is selling eating foods and weight-loss pills. One of the two events will be lining their pockets, regardless of which side of the record you are on. It’s a great method for rooted oligarchs!
The issue is that the program has a fatal flaw: What happens when a crime family loses body?
There’s no place, after all, in paying safety funds to someone who didn’t protect you.  ,
A interesting article about furious Democratic donors “turn off the flow of money” was published today by The Hill. The second two quotations epitomized everything:
“I’ll be harsh these: The Democratic Party is f***ing bad. Plain and simple”, said one key Democratic benefactor. ” In reality, it doesn’t get much worse”.
A second benefactor was likewise as directed. They want us to invest money, and for what? For no communication, no business, no forth thinking”, the donor said. ” The party never really learned its lesson in 2016,” the group is obvious to many of us. They used the same handbook, the same inadequate tactics, and what did they end up doing?
The three scariest words to the Democrat Party aren’t GOP— it’s ROI: return on investment. And right now, there just isn’t any. It’s possible that firms are also igniting their finances.
Because the worst part is that , torching their own money would get safer! They wasted their money because they are in alignment with the Democratic Party’s winning losers, and they are now vulnerable to political sanctions.
” This is worse than 2016″, the first Democrat donor said. ” Our party is so weak and so diminished” . ,
That’s what happens when your body loses its virility.
” People are saying best now’ what’s the Democrat Party to me as an expense?’ I’m hearing from]DNC] people, they don’t actually believe where we’re at best now. They don’t think that we can shop Trump, but why lose dollars”? said the planner.
The Democrat Party is starving to death. It lost its vigor and its appeal. But that doesn’t think it’s dead and buried. Later, a new Godfather will restore the crime family and promote a new racket:” Keep the bribe. Taking the cannoli”.
Also, it gives Do a short, flickering opportunity to pursue its plan with little opposition. This option won’t last forever. D. C. is still a two-party fraud game. But make sure you enjoy it as much as you may.
” Miss it, Jake. It’s D. C”.