President Trump’s danger to seize Canada as the nation’s 51st condition has sparked a rapid and unheard surge of patriotic zeal among French politicians, media personalities, and public characters from sea to shining sea. However, The Epoch Times points out that” the backlash against the idea of becoming the 51st U.S. condition exposes a grave contradiction in a nation where there has been a comprehensive effort to remove the French identity and founding record in recent years.” The issue is, of sure, made worse by the cover price Trump intends to establish on American exports to the United States.
Although this newly discovered love of country is being profoundly ginned up by a sluggish Democratic Party in an effort to avoid a crushing defeat at the upcoming election, it doesn’t go the taste test. The strategy seems to be working, as the last ten years of Justin Trudeau’s fatal reign appear to have been erased from Canada’s social memory.
The Democrats have a chance of winning because of the moronic revival of chest-thumping self-regard that we are seeing. A friend of mine describes all the” silly old ladies” that his partner occasionally walks for a walk with, including the Faculty Women’s Club, and who “force each other to “buy American” and “buy American” and “blah blah blah blah blah blah” Trump Bad blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah With an emphasis on the zero, this is really Canada.
What is it that the great people of this nation have forgotten about the Democratic state that they elected on three separate occasions? First of all:
- the ravaging effects of an unwanted and rising carbon income.
- mass immigration that is essentially unlimited.
- The American power industry’s sabotage.
- the current housing issue.
- The medical problems.
- the downturn.
- the problems involving drugs and crime.
- the disturbing rise in pro-Islamic and hatred.
- Soaring tax
- Unreachable debts and gap
- Capital journey.
- Increasing foreign funding
- A disbanded war.
- Previous deputy prime minister and cheerful leader Chrystia Freeland, who is fighting Trump’s proposal to attract nuclear friends, is an example of fantasy-world stupidity.
- Treachery by our leaders: witness the influence of China on Trudeau’s view, a common Democratic leader, a special advisor, and former bank manager Mark Carney moving his investments to the United States despite his stated desire to boost the American economy.
Many people are unaware that Trump’s proposed plan to annex Canada as the 51st state may be nothing more than a negotiating tactic or a standard Trumpian thorn to troll his intended audience. The idea of annexing a” position” made up of ten provinces and three Territories larger than the nation that is annexing is extremely absurd, as I’ve already said before. Additionally, the fact that Canada’s voter is roughly 65 % communist, or similar to California plus New York, would give the United States another hundred or two Democrat-like lawmakers, the last thing Trump may need.  ,
The only viable regions that could benefit the United States are steadfastly traditional regions like Alberta and, perhaps, Saskatchewan, both of which are energy and agriculturally prosperous. The issue is that these provinces are still being swept out of the American confederation’s circle by the winds of secession. What therefore needs to be done?
Julius Ruechel asserts in a acclaimed writing Trump’s War on Global Socialism that” Life inside Fortress America looks very good considering what Canada has become, and extra but in light of the more protectionist and separatist region that America is becoming… to protect itself economically and militarily from a hostile oligarchs world.”
I propose that Donald Trump’s administration treat me and my wife as the 51st state by grant us honorary citizenship in line with Ruechel’s eminently sane analysis of the political context. After all, we are productive individuals who have virulent criticism of the Canadian train wreck, have written extensively and favorable reviews of the United States and its stellar representatives like Trump and Ron DeSantis, are financially solvent, have given lectures at American universities, have published articles and written for the United States, and have been interviewed by American radio, print, and online sources. Our track record is pretty respectable, in contrast to that of Canada, and we are more than ready to secede.  ,
I’d venture to say that as 51st state material, we would be a net positive gain.  ,