Rahm Emanuel, the former chief of staff for Barack Obama and the current mayor of Chicago, had some harsh words for big-city Democrat politicians, including the current administration in Chicago.
I don’t want to hear another word about the toilet, or the bag area. On” Real Day” with Bill Maher, Emanuel advised that you better get your attention on the classroom.
What’s happening in Chicago, exactly? asked Maher after observing the weak approval rating of present president Brandon Johnson of 6.6 %.
” Square it up,” 7″, Emanuel joked. He made a major point that when he was governor, he had three main priorities to concentrate on. Solid schools, secure finances, safe streets, and stable finances. Your city will be great if you put your finger on those three points.
During Emanuel’s term in office, the Chicago police’s murder of Laquan McDonald, 17, was the subject of a number of horrifying crises, including the shooting of the teenager after being shot 16 times. For more than a year, Emuel made an effort to halt the discharge of that movie. The Justice Department slapped a” Consent Ruling” on Chicago after that death and his following misuse of the fallout hampered police and prevented them from carrying out their duties.
The Chicago Teachers Union ( CTU), which he also led, gained more power as he needed the teachers for his 2015 re-election campaign. Additionally, he increased estate taxes by$ 700 million.  ,
Emanuel is correct about Chicago’s issues. He attributes the responsible to permissive behavior.
” We’ve had a five-year period where people have become way too tolerant as a society, which is why everyone is locked up at CVS and Walgreens, and that’s a crisis,” Emanuel said.
Emanuel finally ruined the state’s educational standards, claiming that the government is focused on woke policies rather than the results of their learners.
Nobody is talking about it, not even a governor, president, president, or director of education, and we have the worst reading scores for ninth graders in 30 years. We’re all fully engaged.
He made fun of progressive gender stereotypes and woke policies, and he said,” Look, in seventh grade, if I had known that I could have said the word” They” and entered the girls bathroom, I would have done it.”
With 1.4 billion people and two-thirds of our kids unable to publish eighth grade level,” we actually are a power,” he continued.” We’re facing off against China.
If I had known I could have said” they” and entered the girls ‘ bathroom, I would have done it in the seventh grade, he remarked.
” This is a significant issue for the Democratic Party.” Democratic places are extremely run. Fareed Zakaria, a panelist, called the enclosure price” crazy.” ” New York state’s resources is twice as much as Florida’s.” There are a lot of income and a lot of regulations, but nothing is done. Liberals must realize that there is no substitute for more restrictions or income. Folks are fed up with it and believe it is ineffective, he says.
Liberals are unable to accept their problems. The whole corrupt system goes beyond “reform.” Chicago is an excellent illustration of that fact. Both Lori Lightfoot and Mayor Brandon Johnson were “reform” prospects. They aimed to butter the problem to gain political favors from their friends and supporters rather than try to change anything about the program.  ,
No one else is interested in anything more than getting as much as they can before the full nasty, rickety structure crumbles in a heap.
No one wants to get held up when the balance is due.