Donald Trump, the excellent minister of Poland, may not surprise Europe’s officials the same way Donald Trump does, but he also has a difficult concept for them.
He said past month,” Discover for yourself how it sounds,”  .
“500 million Europeans beg 300 million American to protect them from 140 million Russians,” they say. On yourself, if you can rely. Never in confinement, but with complete understanding of your potential. We are a world power now, but we do not have human resources or economic power in Europe.
Decline is a choice, and the social group in Europe has made it their decision for the past 30 years.
Like Ukraine, Poland has always been aware of the danger posed by Russia.
Eastern European leaders can’t, however, claim that Vladimir Putin surprised them with his bold invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
He had now taken Crimea eight decades prior and established pro-Russian separatist militias in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine.  ,
Russian murderers attempted to kill Sergei and Yulia Skripal in 2018 and poison Alexander Litvinenko in 2006, as well as other dissidents in England.
Yet Western Europe slept all the while.
The country’s sleeping leaders did much to arouse their calls for immigration restrictions, who continued to treat them as the real enemy.
Europe didn’t select decrease simply because voters preferred to spend money on welfare-states over defense-related programs.
Europe’s democratic administrations received the famous backing they needed to carry on their battle or plan for upcoming aggression in the wake of two world wars and the drawn-out Cold War conflict.  ,
Not the people of Europe, but the quality of its officials, what changed after the fall of the Berlin Wall.
The leaders of the continent adopted a theory that James Burnham, an American political thinker, called” the philosophy of Western suicide,” from London to Brussels to Berlin, from Madrid to Paris to Stockholm.
They embraced a liberal democracy that demonized all the traditional sources of strength, including its historical religion, patriotic delight, and industrial center.
Green groups and campaigners put more value on combating climate change than on going to war.
Patriotism was associated with racism and the worst forms of populism, both of which Europe had a wealth of experience.
But those governments and opposition movements that fought the Nazis in World War II and defied socialist “internationalism”– actually communist colonization– during the Cold War were motivated by loyalty and patriotism at their best.  ,
Secularism, in contrast, taught Europe’s leaders to consider like materialists: they may discuss “values,” but the value of a network deal with Russia was the kind of thing that European leaders, in particular, genuinely valued.  ,
However, German and other countries ‘ energy policies have abandoned clean and effective nuclear power, which environmentalists despise.
More energy has come from various sources, such as Russian natural gasoline, because less atomic energy means.  ,
Progressive campaigners favor fossil fuels of any kind over solar energy from solar panels or windmills, but the lack of dependability and cost of those renewables frequently forces Europeans to turn to fossil fuels in the cold spring. The Russians, who have no reservations about “dirty” power and plenty of fossil fuels to buy, fill the void.
All of this results in a weaker Europe that is dependent on fuel from a hostile neighbor and less energy available for industry, including defense industries.  ,
The existence of their own countries ‘ armed forces was distasteful, according to European elites who have up until now been cheapskates when it comes to military spending.  ,
German soldiers were forced to use broomsticks in NATO exercises as alternatives to heavy machine guns when Ursula von der Leyen was Germany’s defense minister ten years ago because they simply lacked the necessary real equipment.  ,
Because leaders didn’t care enough to keep them armed and prepared for real action, Germany’s armed forces were forced to play pretend with broomsticks.
Von der Leyen is currently the president of the European Commission and calls for Europe to rearm.
Her words, however, are debunked by her record, according to British historian David Starkey.
Europe took a 30-year break from history, and now it is attempting to make up for it. Yet many of the same people who founded the continent’s foundation were in charge of many of its nations.  ,
Establishment parties on the left and center-right form coalition governments that exclude these undesirable agents of change when voters demand change, as Germans did by giving the hard-right Alternative for Deutschland a record 20 % in the last month’s election.
Donald Tusk is correct to say that Europe’s weakness is entirely self-inflicted.
The question is now whether the leaders to blame for three decades of stagnation can completely reverse course or whether Europe needs its own Donald Trump-like figures to take their place.  ,