Teenager” M. P.” At Peoples Academy Middle Level class in Morristown, Vermont, a student recently donned a sweater that read,” There are only 2 women,” and received punishment for it. M. P. proudly wore the top to class once more in the tradition of civil disobedience. And she was once more disciplined by the institution.
Her mother and stepfather contacted and retained the Thomas More Society, a federal public curiosity law firm “defending life, family, and freedom,” after being upset that M. P. may become reprimanded for the straightforward information on her clothing.
In a letter to school administrators, Thomas More Society specific counsel Adam Hochschild claimed M. P. had been unfairly targeted by the main by “pulling]M. P.] out of school, reprimanding her, punishing her with in-school expulsion, and calling her clothing “hate conversation.”
In response to the Supreme Court’s decision in Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District from 1969, Hochschild cited the Vietnam War-era opposition band’s use of black finger rings. The judge ruled that disenchanted school officials were not permitted to manage such student statement, saying that it was” clearly not constitutionally permissible” to prohibit the appearance of one particular judgment, at least without the need for it to avoid substance and significant interference with classwork or discipline.
Hochschild more criticized the school’s training as breaking M. P.’s religious rights because “her decision to wear the shirt is motivated, in part, by Genesis 1: 27 (‘God created human in his picture, in the image of God he created them, male and female he created them.’ )” The First Amendment’s completely exercise and free speech provisions “work in tandem,” as the Supreme Court just observed in a situation involving a meditating football coach.
Fortunately, the college resisted. It might have been influenced by President Donald Trump’s executive order, which mandated the end of “federal revenue of female ideology” on January 20, 2025. It acknowledges the “incontrovertible fact” that there are only two gender. Federal funding is provided by Peoples Academy.
Unfortunately, a teacher threatened to control M. P. when M. P. following wore the shirt to school the following month despite the school having relented. However, the college made it clear that something should not have happened, and the professor’s abusive remark was reversed.
M. P. is determined to try to exercise her fundamental First Amendment right unimpeded by state caution, supported by constitutional guidance, the president of the United States, the Constitution, and the surrender of the school. This month, she intends to use the top to class once more.
Related Case in Massachusetts
A nearly identical situation involving another daring Middleborough, Massachusetts student is currently pending before the Supreme Court thanks to a complaint filed by the nonprofit agencies Alliance Defending Freedom and Massachusetts Family Institute. The exact only-two-genders top is used in L. M. v. Town of Middleborough. However, the school in that situation steadfastly disregarded the First Amendment right of its pupils, in contrast to Peoples Academy in Vermont. In the lower courts, the pupil sued and lost.
Kay, Middleborough’s lawyer. H. Hodge utterly explained in:
Massachusetts law currently protects people from prejudice, abuse, and abuse because of their sexual orientation and gender personality.
Those protections forbid communication, whether dental, written, electric, or through the use of clothing, that might fairly be viewed as intimidating, hostile, unpleasant, or unexpected based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other status protected by law, and/or have a reasonable chance of causing its operations to be disrupted.
Isn’t the school’s LGBT messaging offensive to Christians, Muslims, and Jews, leading to a secular ( and patently un-scientific ) violation of the protections of those religions? By removing scientific inquiry or outlawing the expression of devout moral views, “protecting” people who are confused about their sex is a clear attack on other people’s faiths and sex ( actually “protected” categories under the law ).
The Massachusetts school system has imposed a draconian speech rule that asserts that religious beliefs’ millennia-old viewpoints ( and biological fact ) are somehow inherently cruel. This is utterly absurd and unfairly denigrates children like M. P. and L. M. who want to express what they believe, which also happens to be a fundamental truth: that there are only two sexes.
She is excited to express her opinions without fear of official retaliation as M. P. prepares for her new free speech safe space at Peoples Academy Middle Level school. She continued,” I just wanted to wear a shirt that is simple, accurate, and significant to me as a Christian.” I’m glad the school now permits me to wear it.”
We might soon find out if the Supreme Court will decide to hear L. M.’s case and grant her the same rights that M. P. can now enjoy at her school.
In their zeal to bully and indoctrinate their young children, school bureaucrats across the country must acknowledge that they have abridged fundamental constitutional liberties.