Options inside the Trump presidency have leaked reported plans to put the CDC to operate studying the “potential links between immunizations and autism”, per the Washington Post.
Relevant:  , Trump USDA Announces$ 1 Billion Bird Flu Spend,$ 100 Million for’ New Generation ‘ Vaccines
Via Washington Post (emphasis added ):
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is planning a investigation into the possible links between immunizations and dementia, according to two people acquainted with the strategy, despite overwhelming scientific evidence that there is no link between the two.
The demand  , for the investigation came from Trump administration officials, said the two people familiar with the program, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retaliation. President Donald Trump and Health and Human Services Secretary Robert F. Kennedy have repeatedly linked vaccinations to adhd…
In a statement, HHS official Andrew Nixon said:” As President Trump said , in his Joint Address to Congress, the level of dementia in British children has skyrocketed. CDC does leave no stone unturned in its quest to figure out what exactly is happening. The National people expect high quality research and accountability and that is what CDC is delivering”.…
The number of dementia cases is rising in the United States. About 1 in 36 kids has received quite a treatment, according to statistics the CDC collected from 11 state, compared with 1 in 150 babies in 2000.
For the first time in history, the American people might actually get an exhaustive, thorough, ( fingers-crossed ) unbiased examination of the long-suspected link between the ever-growing list of recommended ( for all practical purposes, mandated ) childhood vaccines and skyrocketing autism rates among American children.
The medical industry that may stand to lose billions — along with its credibility, maybe always — if the results of this investigation don’t get its way is not possible to just allow the research to go forward unimpeded.
Associated:  , WHO Accuses Anti-Vaxxers of’ Anti-Science Aggression,’ Calls Them ‘ Killing Force ‘
And it has a big advantage on its area: the legacy business state media machine that, although it’s losing influence, also holds huge sway in terms of narrative-setting.
For such mendacious functions, MSNBC turned to the de facto face of the “vaccinate everything and let God type it out” part of the ideological range, Dr. Peter Hotez.
( To be profoundly sensible to Hotez, he’s looking considerably less inflated these days than we are accustomed to seeing him. Abstractly, perhaps his managers figured out that rolling a diseased-looking hippo in a light coat out in front of the devices to ferret pharma industry talking positions isn’t the powerful offer they would hope it might be. )
 , Me thinks the doctor doth protest too much, if he’s as sure of his professed belief in vaccine safety as he portrays, why wouldn’t he be eager to put the conspiracy theories to bed once and for all rather than shut down any inquiry before it gets off the ground?
For the record, Peter Hotez got everything wrong that he possibly could have during the pandemic in terms of his pronouncements regarding the COVID shots as a frequent guest on corporate state media.  ,
As much as the corporate state media would like the rabble to forget, the internet is forever:
 , Hotez also — and he should never be allowed to skirt this stain either — declared himself, with none of the commensurate shame, a” junk-food-a-holic” on Joe Rogan’s podcast a few years back at the height of COVID insanity. He then, like the weasel that he is, justified his horrific dietary habits by hiding behind his autistic daughter, claiming that their trips to the” Burger Joint” are ritual bonding experiences that they share.
In honor of Peter Hotez blocking me for sharing this clip of him on The Joe Rogan Experience blaming his autistic daughter for his poor diet, I’m sharing it again.
Also, what kind of adult doesn’t take a daily multivitamin? l pic. twitter.com/rzjn7vHK6F
— Storm ( @stormrobinson ) February 3, 2023
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