Here’s everything that’s guaranteed to make liberal mind blow:” The Apprentice” is finally coming to streaming. Amazon Prime Video has acquired the rights to all seven months of the present that helped concrete Donald Trump’s picture as America’s most famous director, and the timing couldn’t be more best.
” The channel will slide out seven months of the present — all of the non-celebrity types featuring Trump — on Mondays beginning March 10. The Apprentice will be available to Prime Video members in the United States only”, The Hollywood Reporter revealed Monday night. ” Amazon declined to comment on whether or how much the senator is being paid in the streaming arrangement for The Apprentice. Trump was an executive producer of the show, so it’s possible he will become compensated”.
As someone who watched the show with my woman long before Trump entered politics, I didn’t deny that I’m excited. I bet many people are, also. The second season averaged a staggering 20 million people and totally dominated the 2003-04 ratings. Of course, the major media would quite you forget about this huge success story.
But here’s what’s really going to drive the remaining mad: Amazon Prime Video, one of those “evil” big tech companies leftists like so much, really couldn’t endure the Trump effect again. It’s not just bringing back” The Apprentice”, but it also invested$ 40 million on a Melania Trump video. Funny how that entire “resistance” thing works when there’s money to be made, isn’t it?
” The Apprentice is one of the best reveals that I ever produced. The charismatic on existence of President Donald J. Trump made it a bona fide hit”, Burnett said in a statement. ” Now, thanks to Prime Video, a whole new audience will experience a new season every Monday” . ,
Trump added in his own speech,” I look forward to watching this show myself — for great memories, and so much fun, but most importantly, it was a teaching experience for all of us”.
This is terrible news for the left.
Let’s not forget that” The Apprentice” shaped Trump’s public image and no doubt helped Trump dominate the 2016 Republican primary by establishing him as” America’s Boss”.
It’s just too bad that shows of” The Celebrity Apprentice” aren’t part of the package. Why? Many artists who appeared on the show have become Trump enemies, including George Takei, Dee Snider, Cyndi Lauper, and Penn Jillette, among people.
That said, we’ll be able to see at least one major Trump hater on” The Apprentice” streaming on Amazon: Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N. Y. ). That’s correct, Schumer again appeared on the show praising Trump.  ,
I wonder if he’d enjoy that film scrubbed from past then? Then everyone can supply it.
The timing of this streaming discharge is absolutely ideal. While the major internet continues its pitiful attempt to slander Trump, millions of Americans will now have the opportunity to see why they fell in love with him in the first place.
Liberals really should be panicking about this. They know that when people see Trump in motion, making deals, demanding superiority, and saying “you’re fired” to underperformers, and, of course, seeing folks like Chuck Schumer on the show, it entirely destroys their made tale about him.
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