Christians around the world face abuse, incarceration, movement, or murder on a daily basis, mainly in Communist and Islamic states.
From the Christian genocide in Syria to the jihad violence in Nigeria and Democratic Republic of the Congo ( DRC ) to calls for widespread rape of Christians in an Indian province to the government crackdowns in China and Iran, Christians in many nations constantly have to make the choice between their faith and their freedom — or their lives.
Multiple recent stories published on International Christian Concern’s ( ICC ) Persecution. nonprofit illustrate the increasing weight and risk of Christian oppression, mainly in Africa and Asia. For instance, the Islamic Allied Democratic Forces ( ADF) are causing deadly havoc in the DRC. In the formerly” thriving” town of Mutwanga, over a hundred people were murdered, and houses stand bare and ravaged.  ,
” The evening was filled with the sound of gunfire”, said Mutwanga victim Jeremie Mahembe. ” I heard my companions screaming, but there was nothing I may do. I escaped with my children, but my partner … she did not make it, she was killed. The intruders were outside, death darkness. I never thought I would live to see the day my life, my home, would be destroyed in an instant” . ,
Chief Kighoma said that jihadis even target children and the elderly:” It is as if the earth has swallowed us whole” . ,
Pastor Munduwighulu mourned the apathy of the world:” We are no species, but what has been done to us is worse than anything imaginable. How many more people must die before the world acts” ? ,
Unfortunately, much of the world, including” Christian” nations, is so obsessed with mourning Gaza terrorists ( who also persecute Christians ) that it has no time for innocent African Christians. ICC said hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced in DRC, where physical violence and looting are rife.
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ICC also highlighted the subsequent detention of many Egyptian Christians by the terror-sponsoring Muslim dictatorship in that state. On March 7, ICC reported the detention of Nasser Navard Gol-Tapeh in Parand and Joseph Shahbazian in Tehran, who have been arrested before for engagement with household temples. They had been sentenced to years in prison before being released earlier but had once been arrested. Up on Feb. 26, Somayeh Rajabi was arrested during a raid of a Christian meeting:  ,
Agents from the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ( IRGC )  , stormed , the gathering, which occurred in Gatab, and confiscated Bibles, phones, and musical instruments. Agents apparently ripped passes from persons ‘ heads and forced the Christians to , divulge , the credentials to their digital products. According to , Article 18, officials even stopped crisis medical help from reaching the Christians.  ,
However, the Chinese Communist Party is explicitly boastful of its anti-Christian harassment. ICC cited State state propaganda outlet International Times, which pretends that devout Catholics are cult people:” China ‘s , public safety authorities intensified efforts to destroy religion companies in 2024.  , They have worked to curb the growth and spread of cult organizations, mitigating potential threats to national political security and maintaining social stability” . ,
ICCÂ explained:
China is known to have forced abortions on its citizens, sterilized women without their consent, and murdered religious minorities to sell their organs on the black market. Christian home churches are an attempt to escape government scrutiny, but even they , are often raided , and their members arrested on charges of working against the interests of the state.  ,
China is a world leader in the use of technology to surveil and repress its citizens… Chinese government officials use the data captured by this system to track and control those it deems a danger to the state. Notably, this includes anybody associated with the unregistered house church movement and anyone else who might desire to practice religion outside the confines of the state-run institutions.
If a vengeful government , turns , Chinese citizens’ digital QR codes , red, the citzens cannot go anywhere or buy anything.
Pray for persecuted Christians and urge our Western leaders, especially in the U. S., to acknowledge the global crisis of Christian persecution.
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