Ontario Premiere Doug Ford said last week that he had shut off power to U. S. buyers” with a laugh on ]his ] face” if Trump continued to impose tariffs on French goods.
Getting joy by inflicting problems on people is called physical depravity. It makes me wonder whether Ford has a closet full of whips and stores ( maybe some garter belt ) with some leather and fabric amenities.
He doesn’t like the United States imposing taxes on Indians. OK, we get it. But turning off electricity in the middle of winter did kill people. And Ford may be liable under the law.
Certainly, Ford didn’t believe this threat through. Or he’s just plain ridiculous.  ,
I’ll pick the early information because he repeated the danger yesterday.
” If the United States escalates, I did not dare to shut the light off completely”, Ford told investigators. ” Feel me when I say I do not want to do this, I feel bad for the British citizens, because it’s not the British people who started this business war. It’s one guy who’s concerned. That’s President Trump”.
If he feels but “terrible” for the American people, why does he want to shoot them?
Ford perhaps feels “terrible” about the 25 % tax on energy he’s already imposed. New York, Minnesota, and Michigan customers who will pay an additional$ 100 a month for the privilege of using Ontario power.
Ford estimated it will add about CA$ 100 ($ 69 ) a month to the bills of each American affected.
” It needs to end. Until these taxes are off the table, until the danger of taxes is gone for good, Ontario did never relent”, Ford said.
Ford said Trump changes his mind every time, but if he continues to strike Canada he will do everything it takes to increase the pain.
” Republicans, at least the ones I speak to, do not agree with President Trump but they are too scared to go out there and claim it publicly”, Ford said. ” It’s a sorrow but we need to stop this”.
This whole charade by Ford may be a charge to get a face-to-face sitdown with Trump.
‘ We’re seeing prices happening now, and it’s superfluous. We don’t need to do this. We can have the two most rich countries in the world. We need to sit down as quickly as possible,”  , Ford told NewsNation’s Nichole Berlie.
Trump doesn’t thoughts the violent opposition by the pervert Ontario premier.
” The more they try to make it unpleasant on Americans, the more it’s going to develop Donald Trump,” GOP Majority Whip Rep. Tom Emmer said about the Canadians”. He told all when he campaigned that this is what he was going to perform, and he was going to work for Americans.”
” What the Canadians are doing is a mistake, in my mind,” Emmer continued”. It’s just going to help Donald Trump in his explanation that they don’t worry about you, I’m the only one who does.”
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In his discussion with NewsNation, Ford expressed” like” for all Americans.
” I usually start off every meeting with saying how much I love Americans and Canadians love Americans. They love the U. S., and I believe Americans love Canadians, “he said.
He even said he wanted to avoid a” self-inflicted crisis.”
” I want to take more essential nutrients to the U. S. and prevent a crisis, a self-inflected crisis because of President Trump’s taxes, “he said”. It’s undesirable.”
The crisis lighting has been flashing dark since last summer. It’s not possible to flash off even if Canada and the U. S. settle their trade distinctions.
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