With the group of Jackson and FDR then essentially a smoking damage after eagerly embracing personality politics, the adoration of victimhood, and America-Last communist internationalism, Democrat top dogs are looking around for someone to guide them out of the wilderness. Then Politico is touting a fresh lord figure, but the possibilities that he is the one who may bring them back to democratic supremacy are slim to none.  ,
The Democrats are not, of course, lacking for presidential hopefuls, but most of them promise more of the same toxic soup of civilization hatred, ever-expanding state, rising offense, and declining global status in a world that is increasingly on fire. Kamala Harris wants to run once in 2028, and why not? William Jennings Bryan got three chances to gain national elections, why shouldn’t a prospect who possesses coveted Woman of Color standing get at least that some, and maybe even more? In the name of capital, Kamala may lead the Democrats to fight not just in’ 28 but in 2032, 2036, and 2040, when she will get a Bidenesque 76 years old and her political aspirations can actually push into high gear.
And then, speaking of smoking ruins, there’s Gavin Newsom. The destroyer of California wants very much to be the destroyer of the United States, and he may well get the chance, but his record in California, however much he points to it with pride, will be tough to overcome. Sane people continue to flee California in droves, and that will be just too easy for JD Vance or Ron DeSantis or whoever the Republicans run in 2028 to point to and skewer Gavin with uncomfortable questions.  ,
There are few others who are even remotely plausible candidates. And so on Tuesday, Politico had a new idea: how about Rahm Emanuel for president? That’s right: the longtime Democrat apparatchik is this far-left propaganda organ’s idea of a bright, promising new face. If this is the best they’ve got, they’re in even bigger trouble than they seem to be.
Rahm Emanuel himself doesn’t seem convinced, and so Politico makes herculean efforts to push him onto his own bandwagon, beginning its article this way:
Rahm Wants to Run.
Yes, that Rahm. And, yes, for that office — the presidency.
” I’ve only been back two months, I have no idea what I’m doing”, Rahm I. Emanuel, operative-turned-politician-turned-diplomat told me before adding his stock line since returning from serving as ambassador to Japan. ” I’m not done with public service and I’m hoping public service is not done with me” . ,
Ignore that evasion. Rahm Emanuel is voting with his feet.  ,
Politico takes the fact that Emanuel has returned from Japan, where he spent the last three years as Old Joe Biden’s ambassador, and has apparently agreed to appear on a few podcasts as evidence that his hat is in the ring. This despite the fact that even after serving eight years as mayor of Chicago ( now there’s a resume item to be proud of ), Rahm Emanuel is still best known as Barack Obama’s first White House chief of staff and as one of his most loyal operatives.  ,
Related:  , Dems Offer Lame Excuses for Why They Refused to Applaud Anything in Trump’s Speech
Indeed, for the Democrats to nominate Rahm Emanuel for president in 2028 would be to indulge in the most flagrant Obama nostalgia, and since Barry was their last really viable and competent candidate, that’s understandable. But it also shows the weakness of the Democrat roster. Rahm Emanuel’s connection to Mr. Hope and Change isn’t nearly as strong as that of Old Joe Biden, or even Hillary Clinton or John Kerry. Running Rahm Emanuel for president would be like the days when Elvis sent his gold Cadillac out on tour rather than make the effort to go on tour himself. Well, the car had something to do with Elvis, anyway, and that was as good as fans were going to get.
If that’s the Democrats ‘ model for victory in 2028, however, then they better grow accustomed to remaining in their present role of the angry opposition, furiously opposed to anything and everything that Donald Trump because he is, you know, a convicted felon, and a Russian puppet, and a wannabe dictator, and yada yada. The Democrats have no program, or at least no program that is remotely appealing to the American people aside from those who have dyed their hair blue and think they may really be women, and sending Elvis ‘ gold Caddy out on tour isn’t going to change that. Rahm Emanuel for president? Great idea, Politico! Keep’ em coming!
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