This week’s Tim Worstall Substack feature has a really intriguing item. It has the tagline” Starvation Is Caused By An Insufficiency Of Billionaires,” which is almost certain to stoke conversation, especially among those who don’t read past the article. The old adage,” Association does not imply cause,” is being used in this exercise.
It’s obvious from the pictures that the places with the most billionaires have several billionaires and those with the most billionaires have less thirst.
Relationship doesn’t reflect causality is a common saying, but it’s a topic for another day because those with agendas frequently forget or ignore it.
The opposite is also true. A bad correlation may point to causation. Liberals will tell you that stealing from the underprivileged and oppressed masses makes billionaires turn into billionaires.
They all have a cause for that, according to the Left’s worldview. Go to the old Soviet Union and find the wealthy, the locals driving dachas and limousines, and visiting Black Sea casinos were the socially connected. Glance at Russia now, and it’s still largely the same, plus Fidel Castro’s home. Additionally, Hugo Chavez’s home. and a large number of individuals. They do indeed become wealthy from the oppressed people. If you’re looking at that case, it’s obvious how people might blunder kleptocrats for the root of poverty because they also frequently do so.
However, if that were the only solution, then the world would have many downtrodden masses everywhere. Preferably, we in the United States have both the most billionaires and had reduced appetite to the point where it is a problem for the underprivileged. And, to be honest, for the wealthy. Again, that’s a post for another day, but it was the state who told us to have more carbohydrate and less fat.
To offer Worstall:
Whereas those places have mostly followed a around bourgeois and free market economic plan for the past several decades have had many billionaires and little to no hunger. In fact, China was a very poor country in 1978 with no entrepreneurs and a very thirsty population. It ain’t today. Since India hasn’t changed its plans since the middle of the 1990s, it is still catching away.
It’s essentially a law. Take a look at Cuba and Castro.
These locations have experienced a few billionaires and a lot of poverty, but they haven’t had nearly sufficiently bourgeois and free market activity over the past four or five decades. Rather, they have followed everything from true, full-on socialism to the bleak idiocies of Fabianism and the University of Sussex’s plans for economic development.
Possibly no well known to the Fabians. They were a “democratic Socialist” organization that first existed in 1880 and included individuals like George Bernard Shaw and H. G. Wells. They played a key role in the formation of the Labour Party, which Sir Keir Starmer is still fighting against today.
Worstall has some ideas.
We now have what our policy proposals should be after we’ve completed the QED issue. Take the Fabians and bomb the University of Sussex. All those who support?
Take George Bernard Shaw, for instance.
In organizations like AOC and Rashida Tlaib, the kleptocrats are also present. PJ Media is a component of the actual opposition.  ,
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