I’d tell people to turn to the right, touch the individual in front of them on the backside, and say,” Well done, I’m trying to get everyone in a big circle.” Bravo. America, you’re doing a great career. Because you humiliated LawrenceO’Donnell of MSNBC and Michelle Obama this year.
In case you weren’t aware of it, Michelle and her nephew Craig Robinson released a video podcast called” IMO” this week on pretty much every platform. And judging by the small popularity, you should also be aware. The first viewership figures are in and… amazing. Despite a pleasant force from the prehistoric advertising, those two couldn’t yet produce fake numbers worth mentioning.  ,
A podcast typically receives 80 % ( or more ) of its views in the first 48 hours after it drops, IMO’s numbers are not impressive. The top-rated post reads,” Who else is here just for the comments?” and the premiere episode has only 158k views after two and a half time. The follow-up program is nearly as old, has half as numerous views, and the most popular comment reads,” Who came around and soon paused just to read the comments”?
Really, how terrible is IMO?
I did manage to get a three-minute IMO little called” In My Opinion,” though neither of the almost hour-long IMO indicates I watched. Hamburgers and Vegetables I calculated,” Three moments: I can make it through three days of anything,” also a debate about whether or not people should eat vegetables.
I gave up after seven seconds, though, because Robinson had already said,” In my opinion, a hot dog is not a sandwich. When ESPN’s” Dan Patrick Show” first raised the belittle matter, that was provocative material [checks watch ] back in 2015, when the issue was raised. Yet my adolescent children, who are brothers, grew weary of pretending to say whether a warm dog is a hamburger five or six years ago. Even after you send them to their areas for so long, the younger one emerges as an audition for a ZZ Top include group, they may say over anything.
In fairness, I again conducted some bogus beet trivia for an ongoing collection of Cliff Klaven-inspired” Little Known Facts” on the atmosphere at KXGO in Arcata, California, none of which were accurate. In my case, 1990 was the year I was 21.
The subjects covered in today’s just-released IMO small include airline protocol and whether it’s improper to consume both ice cream and milk at the same time. Watching an IMO short is like watching a stand-up comedian rehashing” Didja ever notice that …” or” Dontcha hate it when …” material from the 1980s, but my friend Stephen Kruiser will back up my claim.  ,
No offence to Craig, who appears to be a good enough man. However, perhaps a well-known radio needs some more recent content. I didn’t recall why I feel any animosity toward Michelle Obama because it’s been so much since she last appeared in my head. However, my children who have previously mentioned her speak to her as” The lady who ruined school lunch for everyone.”
I likewise promised you some positive things about LawrenceO’Donnell, the head of MSNBC, and here it is:  .
LawrenceO’Donnell, the number of MSNBC, announced today that he is taking a week off because he is tired of being President Trump. ssl ://t.co/ 6a6WTtWbeH. twitter.com/UzryOv2mo0— New York Post ( @nypost ) March 14, 2025
At the level that President Trump drivesO’Donnell crazy, he’s only a few weeks apart from sharing a padded body with Chief Inspector Charles Dreyfus.
Are you tired of all the victories you’ve won?
Had We Please Draw the Line at Cannibalism, May We Choose Draw the Line at Cannibalism?
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