Okay, delay, I thought Dylan Mulvaney was revered. But if the Democrats are any kind, they are full of scares, as we saw Friday at the state legislature in California. A Democrat council member made a prayer to welcome the council treatment, as is customary, but it wasn’t any god you would know about in the typical world religions course, even in the modern era when American colleges and universities are merely reduced to little more than Antifa recruitment centers. Beyoncé was the recipient of the meditation.
California Democrats recited a prayer to Beyonce while opening an council meeting by using Beyonce’s songs and pleading for her strength.
Liberals are mocking God. …. photograph. twitter.com/aW4NxMz9QJ
— Libs of TikTok ( @libsoftiktok ) March 14, 2025
State assembly member Tina McKinnon said,” Good morning, Mr. Speaker, members, and guests,” in a familiar manner. Let’s pray, please. When everything started to go off the rails was it. McKinnon addressed the assembled solons:
Your arms should be raised. deepen your grip. Get yourself a new pair of boots, a beautiful straps, and a wide-brimmed helmet. And yell compliments as we enter the Cowboy Carter time. Ask yourself,” Can you stand for something, Queen B?,” as Queen B does for us all. Friends, this is not the time to face the weather right then. It’s not time to act today. The moment is now to welcome like. Can we remain up?  ,
Individuals, eel tears are not appropriate right now. My community lived and died in America, only like Beyoncé. Great good’ USA. That white and blue are a lot of purple. It is impossible to erase past. You searching for a fresh America? Are you exhausted, working in half the time, and making half the money? Because I keep my Bible on the run, I only pray that we don’t collapse. We must maintain the belief. People, keep your beliefs. California, keep the faith. And the individuals utter Amen.
Beyoncé is Queen B, and one of her songs has the brand” Cowboy Carter.” A track on that song, entitled” American Requiem,” features the phrase” standing for something and this not being the time to experience the wind.” Another track on that song,” Ya Ya,” features the passages about searching for a fresh America and working day and a half for half the pay.
What on earth was happening here? With this prayer, or whatever it was, it appears as though the Democrats have once more decided to ignore the blatantly obvious fact that millions of Americans are sick of being forced to act like men who pretend to be women and decrepit old figures who pretend to be proficient presidents.
The Democrat Party has evolved into a group of furious blue-haired individuals with multiple earrings and a propensity for violence in support of any reason that involves hating America and wanting to destroy it. And then, the Democrats are thinking of new ways to placate yet more Americans, instead of turning back to the center and reassuring ordinary Americans that the party hasn’t gone completely insane and is doubling down on supporting everything that is making their lives more difficult ( higher taxes, rising crime, available territories, the whole nine yards ).  ,
Whose brilliant idea was it to sing a “prayer” in the state legislature of California using phrases from Beyoncé? What did Tina McKinnon mean when she claimed this was” the Cowboy Carter time”? Do we now turn to the song for the guidance and wisdom needed to remove us from the many traps we’ve got? That was without a doubt the intended conclusion. The emphasis on Beyoncé’s comments about a “new America” by McKinnon seemed to be an overt slap at Trump and his declaration of a new golden age, and a warning that, hey, there are specialist patients in the room.
Related: Congressman McBride Calls Republicans” Strange” for No Pretending He’s a Lady
Okay, I suppose. However, we now knew with a laser-like strength that Democrats detested Trump. They already knew that he was the cause and epicenter of all bad in the modern world. Do we now need to demonize a pop song and interpret her phrases as if they belong to God in order to make this place? Does the Democrats still be regarded as a major political party when they do this?
What’s next in the California state legislature, in the meantime? Praying for Rachel Levine? Or perhaps just simple prayer for Lucifer? Everything had come to mind any longer.  ,
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