You gotta hands it to socialists, after all. They exhibit the moral sensibility of the Marquis de Sade, democratic officials ‘ sincerity, and goldfish’s storage. I have no idea how they can navigate life without becoming mad at themselves, dying their hair orange, or deciding they are actually the opposite sex; delay, many of them do just that. So Steven Soderbergh, a far-left film director, longs for the good old days, when George W. Bush was president, is abhorrent and hair-pullingly ridiculous, but not in the slightest bit shocking. Yes, you do, Bushitler.
Certainly that Soderbergh approves of Bush or believes he was a great leader. Only that leftist ideologies usually start to admire Democratic presidents once they’ve safely left office, after viciously criticizing them throughout the last few hours that they actually occupied the White House. When a new Republican president takes office, the process accelerates, allowing him to take on the role of the last Republican, who is now in safe hands as a valued elder statesman.  ,
Although it’s bewilderingly absurd, the left’s calling card, way of life, and physical preference are all based on absurdity. What do you think of the current political climate under Trump, according to the interview with Variety on Thursday about his” sleek, beautiful, and frequently surprising” new film” Black Bag”?
Soderbergh exclaimed,” God, the George W. Bush-era seems like the golden age today,” adding that the president wants to cut taxes, prevent inflation, secure the borders, ensure the success of American citizens, and stop engaging in endless wars all over the giddy globe. Who would have imagined that things had become that easy for us? You have to know if analogy is dying out. What will you come up with to surpass this? What we’re watching is absurd.
Yes, it’s insane, no problem. George W. Bush, Soderbergh’s golden-age president, was not all that long ago the focus of evil in the modern world, only like Trump is now. In a video that she juxtaposed images of John McCain and Hitler, Madonna invited the audience to view the Republican member as the Nazi leader, back in August 2008.  ,
By no means was Madonna the only one in this. Similarities between George W. Bush and Hitler were frequent. The Bush presidency was described as the “43rd Reich,” according to stupid communist artist Janeane Garofalo. ” I’m not comparing Bush to Adolf Hitler,” according to professional David Clennon, because George Bush is not as intelligent as Adolf Hitler. Additionally, George Bush has a lot more authority than Adolf Hitler always did. Yes, that’s correct. George Soros was the only person to warn that Bush sided with the” nationalist philosophy of Nazi Germany.”  ,
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Was Steven Soderbergh out in Hollywood and at all the best parties there at the time telling fellow leftists to” slow down,” “ol ‘ W wasn’t nearly as bad as they were making out,” and that in fact, they should regard his time in office as a golden age? He didn’t exist. It is essentially incomprehensible that he even had the slightest good thought about Bush while he was in office. George W. Bush started to look good with the introduction of Trump, just as liberals of a slightly older era began to admire Ronald Reagan, who they had when viewed with hatred, anger, and fear as he does currently. After the younger Bush became president, and thus became Bushitler, Bush started to look better.  ,
Patriotic generations will appreciate the resumption of this event. Some leftists who are busy now expressing their concern about how “our politics” is in danger and “fascism” is resurrected may be applauding Trump’s tenure as a time when the weather was clear, the ocean was real, officials were sincere, and everyone had a flower in his step. Watch out for it. The left never succeeds when it comes to deception and hypocrisy.
We at PJ Media are aware that neither George W. Bush nor Donald Trump, nor any other Republican president, are currently or ever have been Hitler. We are also aware that a 60 % discount on VIP membership allows you to save some money as well as receive more of the stark, plain truth we provide in the face of leftist hysteria. Use the promo code FIGHT to register right away!  ,