What does the image of Admiral Rachel Levine above inspire? I mean, different than a gag reflex. What if you see a picture of Admiral Levine and other American military personnel who resemble a cross between a Milton Berle-in bring humor sketch and Miss Piggy while scanning the information from your filthy small hovel in Lower East Crapistan? Would you keep your head small to prevent getting stung by an accidental container of color or an international flat iron, or do you get rid of those dated plans to proceed hunting for new convicts to rape and slaughter?  ,
Perhaps it’s time to reevaluate the stale theme of” Variety is our strength” and realize that while it worked well on Noah’s Ark, it may often wreck a great many human activities. Would it be effective for the NBA? Do we need more big, hairy, and knee-tight National Ballet Company members? Granted,” The Nutcracker” may gain a whole new dimension from the ground up, but is that really the point of dancing? Does the NFL require quarterbacks who resemble Dylan Mulvaney or a defensive line that resembles a university table? Was Aurora, Colorado, made even more violent by the arrival of unwelcome Cuban gang members who terrorized residents and seized entire apartment blocks? The solution to the questions posed is a clear no, in my opinion!  ,
Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, appears to have come to the same conclusion about America’s military forces. A jumble of military personnel that ranges from the physically fit to the morbidly obese and from the highest of military standards to a scarlet and hairy variety of female bending eccentricities will make up something less than an threatening barrier force.  ,
General George S. Patton characterized the government’s goal as one that our soldiers” Attack quickly, ruthlessly, fiercely, without sleep, however tired and hungry you may be, the army will be more weary, more thirsty.” Maintain the punches coming. That attitude fueled British military forces ‘ decisive defeat of powerful adversaries on different continents. Contrast General Patton’s terms with those of former general and former secretary of defense Lloyd Austin, who said,” Diversity, equity, and inclusion are critical to this defense now and will be,” adding,” We’re going to make sure that our military feels like America and our command looks like what’s in the defense.”
Ladies and gentlemen, the words of General Austin perfectly capture the spirit that gave America’s enemies endless opportunities for mischief. As Americans were constructing a cultural Noah’s Ark in the Department of Defense, predators from Vladimir Putin to the odd beards in Iran, Gaza, Syria, Yemen, and other countries abused America’s weakness, leading to the deaths of millions of people around the world, American hostages, and a military that couldn’t stop pre-civilizational fanatics in Afghanistan or anywhere else.  ,
I recently had the opportunity to visit a military installation in the Florida panhandle and was surprised by how many beards, unkempt hairstyles, long, garish fingernails, and oddly colored hair all but eliminated any sense of military cohesion among the soldiers. However, they all wore camouflaged outfits, giving the impression that someone had piled tree trunks on a conglomerate of cardinals, flamingoes, cardinals, gophers, and other exotic wonders. They appeared to be able to conquer a Paris fashion runway and not much else as a group.
They were a testament to the Army Diversity Task Force’s Final Report, which stated the following operational prescription a few years ago:  ,
A diverse Army must be prepared for the human dimension of conflict given the nature of upcoming global engagements. A culturally wise and adaptable Army that can defend American interests in all circumstances is necessary due to the current and future security conditions. The Army will have the opportunity to lead the country in terms of diversity with a highly successful, long-term organizational diversity initiative. Our workforce and the nation will be made a powerful statement by completing this task. Understanding our internal cultural and other differences will help us develop a predisposition to respect them as well as global operations preparation. It’s inherently challenging to learn to appreciate foreign cultures before learning to appreciate our own cultures. Our internal success, however, will enable us to transcend our own differences and become more open to the cultures of those we interact with.  ,
And that is why people drink, folks. After merely copying and pasting that bureaucratic navel-gazing tripe, I’m ready for an all-nighter myself. Of course, it’s difficult to appreciate foreign cultures before recognizing our own cultural heritage, and it’s also dangerously boneheaded. For instance, a culture that slaughters Jews for slaughter in concentration camps cannot be appreciated before recognizing our own culture. In fact, it is completely unappreciated. The Second World War’s pivotal moment was precisely defying that culture before it spread to us. A culture that flys civilian airplanes into buildings, straps bombs to children and sends them on suicide missions, dances in the streets to honor the victims of innocent men, women, and children should not be tolerated. Even assuming otherwise would be an insult to humanity.
Once more, the military’s job in all of this is to be strong enough to say,” Attack quickly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you made be …” Anything that detracts from the armed forces ‘ mission is at best a waste of scarce resources and at worst a threat to our military and the nation as a whole.  ,
The Trump Administration is making an effort to transform how America’s combatant force functions into the lethal deterrent it was intended to be.  ,
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