Sacré rouge! Speak about a complicated involving Napoleon.
Some reports don’t call for a complex setup. They speak for themselves ( and they speak French the only way right now ):
A European Euro-deputy said on Sunday that France does reclaim the Statue of Liberty because it no longer embodies the values that inspired the country to grant it.
At a convention held by his Place Publique center-left motion, center-left politician Raphael Glucksmann urged the crowd to “give us up the Statue of Liberty.”
Give us up the Statue of Liberty, he told cheering followers,” We’re going to say to the Americans who have chosen to part with the dictators, to the Americans who fired experts for demanding academic liberty.”
We gave it to you as a present, but it seems that you detest it. So it will work just fine these at house, he continued.
Politico made a fast connection between Glucksmann’s talk and Trump’s Ukraine plan:
The remarks made by the French MEP possible relate to Washington’s decision to stop providing support to Ukraine, which had been assisting in a Russian invasion.
Despite the fact that Kyiv is receiving aid once more, Europe is concerned about U.S. President Donald Trump’s perceived warmth toward Russia, his long-held enthusiasm for President Vladimir Putin, and his people disgrace of Ukrainian Prime Minister Voldymyr Zelenskyy.
There may be a specific reason for this French politician’s decision to take American foreign policy seriously: his ex-wife, Ekaterine “Eka” Zguladze, was a Ukrainian lawmaker who served as Ukraine’s Second Deputy of Internal Affairs up until 2016. Their boy is a girl, they say.
Which may describe Glucksmann’s irate response and his steadfast support for an American war. By the way, Glucksmann still has an effective LinkedIn profile. He may have potential for growth in his company, I suppose.
This European politician cares deeply and passionately about the Ukraine-Russia issue, but not enough to force his own son into battle and not enough to help a ceasefire. He’s happy to stick to the status quo, though.
Because maintaining the status quo is in the French government’s national interest, France becomes a ( marginally ) safer nation by dumping Russian knives on Ukrainian victims and reducing the Red Army’s arsenal of weapons. At least Paris is safe now, despite the fact that 1.5 million Russians and Ukrainians have now died and that Ukraine’s sovereignty is in jeopardy.
The Washington Examiner put the following in the context of the account:
Raphael Glucksmann, a communist and part of France’s left-wing Party, made the demand while giving a speech at the convention of his party, according to reports. He claimed that the United States was siding with tyrants because it was against the nature of the Statue of Liberty. He thinks that the region has changed its values and is no longer deserving of the memorial as a result. [emphasis added]
Glucksmann probably delivered his speech in French. And the United States of America was the cause it wasn’t addressed in, let’s say, GERMAN. On the shores of Normandy, many Americans passed away. Vichy France did indeed provide Germany with more weapons ( and other resources ) than any other Nazi-occupied nation. According to some estimates, 42 % of all European income came from France.  ,
The truth is a lot of Frenchmen were utterly happy to engage with Hitler, despite Hollywood’s mythology of the brave, courageous” French Resistance.” They were eager to gather countless Israeli children for the Holocaust.
A sincere thanks to you would be wonderful. Be a little more self-aware the next time you want to accuse one of” siding with dictators.”
By the way, the Eiffel Tower is awful. It appears to be a rejected initial review from a C-student. With Tinkertoys, a five-year-old may create things superior! However, we might strike a bargain if France really, truly desires the return of the Statue of Liberty:
We’ll return one of her brain to Paris, which is her middle finger. Then we’ll place Lady Liberty’s mid hand on your terrible, pointless, overpriced Eiffel Tower.
Ingrédients, please.
One Next Thought: The Democrats are in trouble, but bear with me, the horses are also dangerous. 2025 will either be remembered as the year that made America great once, or as the time that everything fell through our fingers. We require your assistance to achieve! You’ll have access to all of our family of websites ( PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms ), plus more stories, videos, content, fun, conservatism, and more EVERYTHING! And if you use the discount code FIGHT, you’ll get a Trumpian 60 % discount if you Press HERE!  ,
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