Zeynep Tufekdi’s stunning admission in an opinion piece for the New York Times was that” We Were Hard Misled About the Occasion That Changed Our Lives.”
Actually, it’s hardly surprising to anyone who has been studying it for the past five years.  ,
Tufekdi, a Princeton University professor of sociology and public affairs, and a journalist for the New York Times Opinion, wrote on Sunday:
They were treated like kooks and pedals in 2020 when people started making up their minds that a lab mishap might have been the catalyst for the Covid-19 crisis. The idea was dismissed as a conspiracy theory by a number of prominent scientists and public health officials, insisting that the virus had been isolated from pets in a Wuhan, China, seafood industry.
She goes on to explain how professionals and public health officials went to amazing Orwellian measures to conceal any information that suggested a hole at the Wuhan Institute of Virology was to blame for the global crisis that destroyed the economy of the world’s most powerful nations, including the United States.  ,
However, we’ve since learned that some officials and scientists fabricated ostensibly independent voices, misled at least one reporter, and conducted campaigns to promote the appearance of compromise, perhaps comparing notes about how to conceal communications in order to prevent the general public from hearing the entire story. And speaking of that Wuhan laboratory study, it turns out that the details have since been revealed that protection measures may have been incredibly weak.
Tufekdi describes high-ranking scientists using heater devices and making “emails disappear” to preserve the wicket dish story moving. The lab leak theory was endorsed by scientists on Slack even though they officially endorsed the sick wicket theory. The test avoid edition of this is so incredibly good to have happened because they were now carrying out this kind of work, according to biological biologist Kristian Andersen, who wrote in one information.
This was a case of deliberate blindness and propaganda, not just a case of reporters being tricked into rejecting the lab leak concept.  ,
Here’s disgruntled “fact” checker Glenn Kessler in 2020 awkwardly deriding Sen. Ted Cruz for suggesting the virus does had escaped the Wuhan test:
I’m concerned that @tedcruz missed the academic demonstration in the video, which demonstrates how difficult it is to jump from a lab with this disease. or the numerous interviews conducted by true experts. We deal with facts, and people can make their own judgments. https ://t.co/TprMnaHSZL— Glenn Kessler ( @GlennKesslerWP ) May 1, 2020
Jim Treacher wrote for PJ Media in April 2020,
The Chinese Communist Party is the only organization at fault for this mess, and you are the only ones who gain from your hesitancy to inquire what is happening to you. People who tries to deceive you is doing their buying, either directly or indirectly. If daring to say that will result in some distressing posts, emails, and blog remarks, go right ahead. I have nothing to gain in the least.
That’s the issue with threatening the entire world with suicide: It’s much harder to pity your subjects into silence.
PJ Media was paying a high price for questioning the Official Narrative regarding COVID-19’s causes, even though the New York Times was shilling for the CCP.  ,
I wrote in May 2021:  ,
In summary, fact-checkers, scientific journals, and Charities like the EcoHealth Alliance ( and don’t forget Dr. Fauci) have consistently argued that the lab leak theory is nothing more than a fake Donald Trump’s invented wild-eyed conspiracy theory. They provided waters for the CCP and provided insurance for the Wuhan lab. On top of that, Facebook has fined media outlets ( mostly conservative ) for distributing false or misleading information when we suggested a lab leak was a possibility. In case you’re wondering, neither [science book ] Nature nor the brave fact-checkers at Science Feedback have retracted or updated their reports, citing the fact that COVID didn’t arise in a lab in Wuhan. The requirements are not applicable to them.
Our Social traffic, which was then a significant portion of our visitors and revenue, vanished virtually overnight. I asked for an explanation for their failure to undermine our reputation, but it was never granted.  ,
The journalist doesn’t go so far as to say that the haughty Gray Lady was partly to blame for the propaganda and repression, though it’s good that someone at the New York Times is suddenly fessing up about the cover-up. ,
Some of the most vocal supporters of the lab leak theory weren’t really making inquiries out of curiosity; they were also acting in bad faith, using the debate over epidemic origins to criticize genuine, beneficial science, incite public opinion, and garner attention. Cirling the wagons and demonizing anyone who dared to protest might have seemed like a sensible defence strategy for academics and public health officials. [ Headlines added]
You see, dear viewers, what do you see? The issue was with the media outlets who were questioning the Official Narrative, not the toadies who worked overtime to mislead you. Over the past five years, we’ve been acting in “terrible belief” by investigating the COVID-19 virus’s causes. The Times suddenly acknowledges the possibility of a test hole after” a dozen determined” REAL journalists looked into the matter, not the phony ones who write from a traditional perspective.  ,
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