Unaccountable, unelected prime minister of Canada, Mark Carney, who was previously the gloomy advisor to the helpless Justin Trudeau, is now publicly displaying his skill as the brilliant manipulator and financial scourge he has always been. Trudeau was never the social force we assumed he was; instead, he was just a picture in a suit, a carney-projected modern lens.
Ladies voted for him because he had wavy hair, which is a simplicity that is close to the truth, and men voted for him because he practiced numerous yoga poses. Because they were, also, scholars, they adored him. One recalls Conrad Black’s reward of Trudeau in the National Post as “flexible in public finance, a very attractive personality, a swift intelligence, and an apparently fair combination of principle and openness” in an article for The Walrus titled” The Justin Trudeau ICan’t Neglect.” Although it’s possible that these magisters are currently feeling buyer’s remorse, their endorsement does support Orwell’s famous line,” Some ideas are so stupid just intellectuals believe them,” to be true.
Our professionals might have been imprisoned. They ought to be aware that Trudeau is Trudeau 2.0, making it clear that he wants to keep geological fuels in the ground, favoring discreetly a “hidden” carbon taxes over Trudeau’s total economy-slayer. We shouldn’t be fooled even though he has signed an order to abolish the client carbon tax. Big emitters continue to be subject to a national professional carbon tax. Franco Terrazzano, director of the Canada Taxpayers Federation ( CTF), warns that Carney will “hammer companies” by a falsely characterized” carbon pricing system” that may result in higher prices and fewer jobs. In the end, the impact on the buyer is Trudeau’s burden.  ,
Carney was in charge of net-zero banks, a bank-and-UN led Alliance that was” committed to aligning their financing, expense, and investment markets activities with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions” as the former chancellor of the Bank of England and the Bank of Canada. It is yet another economy-killer. Carney advocated for the international financial market to invest in net-zero emissions as if the business weren’t now writhing in its dying grips after taking the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance in 2019.  ,
Carney is also a strong supporter of Central Bank Digital Currencies ( CBDCs ), which would” threaten Canadians ‘ privacy, security, autonomy, financial independence, and their access to economic participation,” warns the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms. A CBDC may support “green” agendas by allowing a central bank to grant women’s information unrestricted access to it, regulate behavior through” smart deals” and” tracking attributes,” set investment costs, and impose restrictions on food and fuel purchases, and all of these things.  ,
Evidently, where transactions are modern, that is, digital or unsecured forms of exchange, they can be tracked and subject to government interference and financial surveillance. Comparable to China’s” social credit” program, which yokes the populace like oxen to the bullwhacker State, is the modern technology. The Liberal authorities froze the bank accounts of people of the Truckers ‘ Freedom Convoy and their followers, which is a forerunner of this. Liz Truss, the former UK Prime Minister, once said of Carney:” I highly advise no backing Mark Carney for his Net Zero plans. It was devastating for the UK. It would be fatal for Canada.”
Matt Ehret, the author of the American Patriot Review, warns that Carney’s actions will “devastate Canada” by “loss of sovereignty, financial collapse, lower standard of living, substantial unemployment, huge inflation, and a remarkable reduction in cultural services.” It should come as no surprise that Carney is frequently referred to as the Financial Dark Lord in conservative circles.
Canadians who cast their ballots for Carney vote for their own economic and social collapse. They reelected a puppet like Trudeau to office for three terms, and according to polls, they have endorsed Carney as the nation sags toward the upcoming election, even though Carney himself appears to be the puppet of the globalist market economy.  ,
The desire for righteous self-immolation is pretty much insatiable in this nation, as demonstrated by its endemic leftwing bias and its intimate embrace of that homegrown troika of political ruination, namely, the Liberals, the NDP social democrats, and the” Greens.” Of course, the Liberals own the majority of the stock, and the prime minister of this nation is almost always a Liberal.  ,
Derek Fildebrandt, a journalist for the Western Standard, claims that Carney will “reform some of the most despised Trudeau policies into complex alternatives and attempt to sell it to the electorate.” Trudeau’s cabinet is Trudeau’s cabinet, 97 % of it, in fact. Carney is a skeptic creature with a long history of intellectual merit, both to the World Economic Forum and to the gutter of Woke progressivism, for which he is the suave elitist projection. He is the leader of a cartel of toxic ideas that is carried out by a corrupt cabinet of coyotes, not a government of upstanding public servants who are restoring nation pride and resolve.  ,
And he is a master manipulator. According to Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre, who has the receipts,” Carney supported carbon taxes in Canada while investing in American coal.” While his business purchased Middle Eastern pipelines, he opposed Canadian pipelines. Carney lied about his role in moving Brookfield Asset Management’s head office from Toronto to New York, clearly to avoid Trump’s tariffs. He claimed the move was made after he left the board at the beginning of this year, but a letter emerged that showed he had suggested the move in December. Carney is keen to capitalize on potential development opportunities in China and expand its business there, adding injury to that already.  ,
Indeed, according to The Bureau, Brookfield’s significant investments in China include a$ 750 million real estate stake in China Xintiandi, a$ 1.2 billion land purchase in Shanghai, and hundreds of millions in renewable energy assets acquired through TerraForm Global. There are plans to raise additional hundreds of millions through projects in the green and real estate sectors. According to the report,” the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research ( CICTAR ) has reported that Brookfield’s offshore structuring enabled it to avoid an estimated$ 6.5 billion in taxes alone in 2021.” This is Canada’s new prime minister, readers.  ,
The Spectator succinctly states that” Mark Carney, Canada’s new prime minister, is unlikely to steer things in a new direction.” The party’s relationship with China has undoubtedly long enjoyed his blessing, according to a long-time Liberal insider. The Liberal+ left appears to be making a decision between the United States and China right now, and the communists appear to have the upper hand. ” I know these are dark days,” Carney said in reference to America. ” Dark days brought on by a nation we can no longer trust.” The United States is Canada’s new enemy, according to planetary oligarchs like Carney.  ,
Interesting, there is a language called Carnie that acts as a secret cant, a type of insider creole or pidgin, used by professional wrestlers, circus performers, and carnival showmen to communicate messages they do not want audience members to understand. One might say that mutatis mutandis is a language that politicians use to promise and blatantly lie in such a way that other politicians and media stooges can see what is actually happening, but the general public is still unaware.  ,
One of Carney’s most notable announcements, for instance, is the promise to advance crucial energy projects like pipelines to revitalize Canada’s economy, which Trudeau’s administration has diligently stifled for a decade. Carney has been the principal architect behind Trudeau’s anti-energy policies, which is never going to happen. The prestigious Montreal Economic Institute is equally skeptical, arguing that “doubting Carney will repeal the obscene federal oil and gas emissions cap.”
By and large, Canadians, who are gullible and obedient by nature, do not adopt this species of Carnie, despite insiders ‘ knowledge that it is nothing but deception. When the BBC claims that Carney “has run on a broadly centrist agenda, a shift from Trudeau, who moved the Liberals to the left,” the group is either out for lunch or is probably already aware of the wink-wink nudge-nudge Carnie patois intended to deceive the rubees and suckers.
The Liberal party has been reduced to the level of farce in its most recent iteration, a grotesque caricature of a democratic institution, a carnival of freaks, clowns, mutants, bozos, goofs, and merry-andrews pursuing a mad and sinister agenda. And if the polls are accurate, Canadians are merely “marks” mesmerized by the rhetoric of its resident carney.
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