You would think our nation was more civilised if I even had to write this article. However, the remaining has shown that it is anything but civilized, particularly when things don’t go their way. It is obvious that it’s not acceptable to have nasty personal attacks.  ,
Trump previously offered rising MAGA sky his sleep, according to an article from The Daily Beast earlier this week. The alleged comments “newly illuminate the government’s wacky marriage to Melania Trump,” reads the heading.
The Beast author claims to have gotten some juicy talk, but the truth is that the content is nothing at all. It’s all stale content written by “insider ebooks” about Donald Trump, mostly from unidentified authors. None of the estimates, yet if they are true, are truly shattering. Most of them are quips or satirical comments. At his demonstrations, I’ve heard the president say worse.  ,
The article’s headline suggests that the leader again attempted to rest with a “rising MAGA sun” who is not his family. According to a new revelation book,” Donald Trump again gave a MAGA stranger his base while she was feeling restless, but told her to keep it a key from Melania.” The “MAGA newcomer” is Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla. ), and that so-called “bombshell book” is Axios reporter Alex Isenstadt’s” Revenge: The Inside Story of Trump’s Return to Power.”  ,
However, this writer’s attempt to make it while dishonest as this writer’s, and Luna spelled it out on X on Monday while re-posting a The Daily Beast content. She stated:” Â
I don’t usually listen to bad press, but I have to speak up about a book that purports to strike @POTUS, his relationship, and our First Lady while suggesting something bad about me.  ,
When @realDonaldTrump graciously offered me the rear room on his plane if I was feeling ill, I was quite expectant and was experiencing untreated pre-eclampsia signs. In front of my father, he did this politely, and we both thanked him.
He also made sure a medical team was conscious of my situation and on-board. Weeks afterwards, I was expected to pre-eclampsia.  ,
I’m disgusted that the writer ignores that President Trump was very sympathetic and compassionate to both me and my partner. Neither I nor my father ever felt that President Trump had any disrespect for them.  ,
This book is likely a false reach item because the writer never got in touch with me.  ,
Anyone in the POTUS’s group who converses with this author may be turned off. It’s horrible. A text @POTUS sent me below confirms all I said.  ,
Luna then shared a notice from the leader supporting her story.  ,
I don’t usually listen to bad press, but I have to speak up about a book that purports to attack @POTUS, his relationship, and our First Lady while suggesting something bad about me.
When I was quite pregnant and having undiagnosed pre-eclampsia signs, I… https :// photograph.
— Rep. Anna Paulina Luna ( @RepLuna ) March 17, 2025
The president was generally treating a tired pregnant woman who was on his plane as a gentleman. Her father was present to see it all. The Daily Beast wants you to believe there is some sort of scandal, but that’s not. Is it even relevant whether or not the president said,” Don’t tell Melania”? Evidently, it was a prank if he did. Yet Forbes claims to be joking.
Trump and Laura Ingraham Engage in a Controduction of a Controversial Agenda.
The whole phrase begins,” If you need a pillow to lay down in, there’s one here on the airplane. You may lie on it if you need to get bored. Only don’t show Melania, please. She dislikes other people sleeping on my pillow.  ,  ,
But that doesn’t match the tale. The First Lady hates her father, and this essay doubles down on that with more quotes from unnamed authors from another book, which I won’t even bother to explain. This is another false tale that the left likes to advertise. These people are more knowledgeable than I do about the Trumps ‘ relationship. That’s between those two individuals, and, to be honest, it’s not one of our concerns. Despite the fact that I’ve covered the First Lady a bit for PJ Media and been paying close attention to her since her husband’s election in January, I still can’t tell what the false information looks like. I observe a man who values his partner while a person who values her husband.  ,
The First Lady is a cautious man, in part because of the way the media has treated her and her home, and these people can’t stand the fact that she won’t let them have the time of day. And they’ll, of course, go to great lengths to harm anyone who supports Trump.  ,
Or perhaps they’re upset that the leader is a sturdy, independent person who doesn’t need his partner to run his case meetings for him. Also better, he’s not talking to young women about their dating lives and sniffing children ‘ hair.  ,
Trump is actually beginning a new British Golden Age, but as you can see, Liberals, the popular media, and the rest of the left will do everything in their power to stop it. We’re attempting to stop that. By becoming a PJ Media VIP, you may support us. We’ll compensate you with a few additional benefits.  ,
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