Okay,” The Big Bang I’ll a Theory,” even though it’s been ages since we’ve had a TV in our house. Yes, it had some communist undertones, but I liked it and found it to be a wonderful change from my daily routine as a talk show host. If we are stranded in a hotel room or flying, I can also enjoy the episodes. Sheldon Cooper was especially enjoyable to me.  ,
Sheldon, as formerly depicted, saw the world in the same way that he saw physics: there were some realities and constants, and part of his charm was being unable to reconcile those realities with what was happening in the world. Although the character had a no-BS, protagonist quality, he could be infantile and petty. Sheldon believed that the same principles apply to the rest of life as well because there are truths and realities that govern knowledge.  ,
Physics, physiology, and science have always been subjects of my interest. Unfortunately, I lack the intellect to work in those fields, which are blessedly free of the vices, emotions, virtue indicating, and deception that have always been a part of the Left but had gained more ground these days. Of course, in 21st-century America, DEI transforms all it touches into something other than gold. Perhaps the science are risky.  ,
The Department of Energy just had a bit of a controversy, according to The Washington Free Beacon. At the University of New Hampshire, Chanda Prescod-Weinstein is a professor of physics and identity reports. She sits in the best spot on the Department of Energy’s High Energy Physics Advisory Panel as a result of being appointed by Biden. The panel has an effect on how to use federal funds, and it provides advice to the office regarding money and research priorities for electron science.  ,
Some scientists are concerned about social issues and the possibility that the panel will consider itself in the crosshairs of Trump’s anti-DE I campaign because of her prominence. From the Free Beacon:
She first raised brow in 2020 when she claimed that a” white empiricism” lifestyle, in which “only white individuals” are deemed to be capable of honesty, “undermines a significant principle of twentieth-century physics: General Relativity.”
In Symptoms, a gender studies journal published by the University of Chicago, Prescod-Weinstein wrote that” the idea that there is no single objective frame of reference that is more purpose than any other is rooted in Einstein’s idea.” We can renounce any idea that the small number of Black women in science indicates any lack of authenticity on their portion as observers because the number of ladies in physics is still small, particularly those of African origin.
Additionally, Prescod-Weinstein has stated that the absence of too many white people in the field of mechanics contributed to the failure of string theory. She was also one of the people who complained that the gay community at NASA had been removed by James Webb ( the one who gave the telescope its name ). She continued to support her assertion even after the organization itself disproven the story.  ,
Prescod-Weinstein became a vocal supporter of the anti-Israel action after Hamas attacked Israel on October 7, 2023. In a roundtable conversation, she stated that while white Jews does not necessarily reside in the camp of whiteness, they are also considered to be. White Jews waste time that could otherwise be used breaking that white supremacy when they refuse to acknowledge their benefits and their participation in it.
Sergiu Klainerman, a scientist at Princeton University who studies the theory of general relativity, argued that Prescod-Weinstein’s “scientific accomplishments seem reasonable and her racialist and discriminatory view of science, combined with her exceptionally dangerous activism, ought to be dismissing. She has a speech in important decisions regarding the DOE physics department, in my opinion, which is amazing. The panel must be impartial and select offers and personnel based on merit, according to a geophysicist from the University of Chicago.
Some attribute Galileo’s quote,” The Bible tells me how to go to heaven but not how the skies go,” to Galileo. And it’s crucial to understand how the sky work. Similar things can be said about comprehending biology, science, and science. The beauty of those fields is that their research demands that we let go of our prejudices, objectives, and personal beliefs in order to understand the reality that our world and we share. We are able to break free from the shaky ties of self and see wonders whether we are studying the motions and characteristics of the planets and stars, marveling at the operation involved with adenosine triphosphate, or identifying the troops that bind the world together.  ,
For a believer, this research can serve as a testament to the pure wonder and richness of creation, despite the fact that some professionals may be atheists or agnostics. Such accomplishments cannot be made, whether they are viewed as sacred or enlightenment, if technology is dragged into the background.  ,
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