What distinguishes a national district judge from God, exactly?
Answer: God does not believe he is a city judge for the federal government.  ,
Or, as Winston Churchill once said,” There, but for the grace of God, goes God.” Imagine the total arrogance and illimitable ego required for a lacked-elected jurist to wear a black coat and impose his or her rule over the national security apparatus, order an aircraft full of dangerous foreign terrorists to turn round and flee to America to terrify. Commissar Boasberg wore a dark robe at Hermione, right?  ,
Of course, there are a few issues with this, the first of which is entirely administrative. The remaining 676 Commissars will then divide the remaining 194 nations into several principalities to accommodate their royal administration if His Royal Awesomeness Commissar Boasberg assumes control of the Colombian procedure.  ,
However, I did notice that another federal district commissar is in charge of the Environment Protection Agency’s ( EPA ) operational oversight, preventing it from ending the$ 20 million grant program started by former president Biden as another federal district governor stepped in to oversaw military readiness by enforcing President Trump’s ban on transexuals serving in the military. Another district administrator claims that Trump’s deconstruction of the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ) is likely unconstitutional. The USAID section is next to the constitutional right to keep a knife in a baby’s head, which is similarly adjacent to the federal judges ‘ divine authority to revoke the President’s Article II authority.  ,
There is only one remaining issue: the logistical problem of disposing of 677 normally inactive Federal District Commissars, which can be resolved by dispersing them throughout the Executive Branch, like the dragon’s flying primates. No single chose these courts. They are not able to defend the British citizens, who they regard less highly than immigrants who have a talent for brutalizing and killing innocent people. Stephen Miller, the deputy chief of staff for coverage and country protection, wrote:
District court judges now hold the positions of Commander in Chief, Secretary of State, Secretary of Homeland Security, and Secretary of State. They update the Administration’s international policy, economic personnel, and national security plans every day. The day the people awaken to find out what the craziest appointed native federal prosecutor has made of the policies of the American government. It is absurd. It is nonsense. It is the most severe abuse on politics. It must and will stop.
In his book,” The Devil’s Dictionary,” Ambrose Bierce defines law as” Compatible with the will of a judge having jurisdiction,” and he defines a lawyer as” One who is skilled in circumvention of the law.” That very last detail was clearly demonstrated to me a few days ago when a lawyer friend of mine wrote on social media that the Alien Enemies Act, which specifically states that the President can reduce and treat all foreign adversary officials on American ground over the age of 14, was passed with certainty. The statute expressly mandates that war be declared ( which is a power of Congress ).
His argument is that without a declaration of war, President Trump cannot immediately remove Venezuelan gang members without having each defendant have their day in court to decide whether or not they belong to the Tren de Aragua gang. However, the Alien Enemies Act’s language states: Â , Â ,
… Any foreign nation or government that declares war on the United States, or any invasion or predatory incursion that is committed, attempted, or threatened against the United States, by the President of the United States shall make public proclamation of the event, all native men, citizens, denizens, or subjects of the hostile nation or government, being men of the age of fourteen years or upwards, who shall be in the United States, and not actually naturalized, shall be liable to be apprehended, restrained, secured  ,
According to the lawyer, his statement regarding the requirements for deportation included” a declared war between the United States and any foreign government, OR any invasion or predatory incursion.” Again, Ambrose Bierce is correct.  ,
President Trump states in his deportation proclamation that” Ten de Aragua ( TdA ) members have engaged in and continue to do so in order to further its goals of harming American citizens, undermining public safety, and supporting the Maduro regime’s destabilizing democratic nations in the Americas, including the United States.”
He continued in his brief conversation with the attorney, saying,” We used to think that it was better for 100 guilty men to go free than for one innocent man to be imprisoned without trial.” Of course, when the number of guilty parties rises from 100 to many millions, there is another logistical issue, which was made possible by jurists ‘ inaction at every level who ignored the millions of illegal aliens who had been flooded into the country without regard for existing federal law within the last four years alone.  ,
His Royal Awesomeness Commissar Boasberg or any other savages who were retreating their fainting couches over a President doing what he was elected to do didn’t even notice the marching band of savages who beat, stripped, and repeatedly raped Jocelyn Nungary before throwing her body off a bridge. They will grow enraged over the notion that one of these bloody savages might not be Mirandized before being forced to flee the country and leaving you to the tender mercies of yet more savages.  ,
These pitiful little black-robed tyrants are attempting to overthrow the will of the American people and stifle the President’s election in what Chief Justice Roberts referred to as” the regular appellate process.” That is” Your republic may well die waiting on us to fix the mess we’ve created,” according to the dictionary.
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