A fresh report claims that a section that Donald Trump and Elon Musk’s Department of Government Efficiency recently shuttered was living like rich lords off taxpayer money.
Last week, Trump reportedly ordered seven federal agencies to be reduced or completely eliminated, and The Daily Wire accuses one of them, the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service ( FMCS), of being particularly egregious in its unconstitutional and outrageous waste. With a labor of 230, of which 60 allegedly worked in a large D.C. office building ( when they showed up to work at all ), FMCS is billed as an “independent company” that facilitates communication between companies and organizations.
George Cohen, a top FMCS standard, used firm funds to purchase champagne,$ 200 rides, and his sister’s oil paintings. Why does Hunter Biden be the only “artist” to survive from dishonesty? One individual characterized the canvases as “like they were reigning kings or something.” And$ 2, 402 was only used to retouch the portrait of the person who served as the acting organization brain for a short time. The company has much operated as if it had no oversight, according to Luke Rosiak on The Daily Wire, despite how little the organization is and how ambiguous its relationship is with the leader and the professional are.
Prior to the pandemic, only 60 people, many of whom worked from home, were able to stay in a nine-story office building on D.C.’s K Street. One director may frequently be “in the bath” when she was in need, while another used her toilet as a smoke lounge. In order for Scott Beckenbaugh, the director of FMCS, to receive taxpayer funding for all of his meals and living expenses from citizens for his years-long business journey to D.C., he was reported as being on a simple trip to the office.
Rosiak noted that he discovered many disturbing cases of FMCS problem and fraud, ranging from contract negotiations to hiring techniques to vacations on the taxpayer’s dime. After all that analysis, what he didn’t know was why the agency even existed at the start.
One worker confessed to Rosiak,” Let me tell you the truth: Many FMCS employees, including myself, don’t complete a devil of a lot.” ” Privately, the reason I’ve stayed is that I just don’t feel like working that hard, plus we all have these large offices with skylights, plus management doesn’t seem to treatment if we stay up for breakfast a long. Does you blame me, please? We the Persons are undoubtedly capable.
Employees at FMCS “unblocked” their authorities credit cards to disable standard abuse protections, therefore used them to allegedly fund personal expenses and “bill anything” they want to the government with. One employee leased a BMW, and another ( IT director James Donnen ) paid for his wife’s cell phone, cable TV at his home and his vacation home, as well as his USA Today subscription.
Employee Dan W. Funkhouser rented a storage unit using his FMCS cards, according to an audit, while even spending$ 18, 000 at a jewelry shop close to his home.
Charles Burton left FMCS just to form an LLC after an FMCS individual disbursed$ 85, 000 to it, despite the LLC having neither a web nor yet a functioning phone. The LLC was listed as offering a” Call Center Service.” One officer made an attempt to journalist, but Cohen allegedly forced her to rescind her statement.
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The schemes are never ending. After signing forms, Cohen vowed to never work for a previous company, but he later directed labor to one. Paul Voight, a representative for Human Resources, claimed to reside in D.C. so that he could get a higher cost of living wage. He lived in Wisconsin. His former manager Arthur Pearlstein recently left FMCS to pursue a career as a professor, took part in a plagiarism scandal, and then went back to cancel an FMCS investigation.  ,
The organization flew staff to numerous locations around the world without any apparent reason, paid for a” Grammar Refresher sure,” and operated an office in Honolulu. Allison Beck travelled to Italy, Switzerland, and Tunisia on a picture business contact, pretending it was company work. Additionally, she paid for a trip to her own holiday home. The organization claims to be impartial, but it has hired many previous union employees and provided grants to raise union membership. The spare was endearing and never-ending.
One purchase was made worth$ 30, 000 on trinkets to commemorate employees ‘ anniversaries. The company’s business was obscenely large, but it refused to move. For a” Hallway Improvement Project,” it hired a consultant to decorate. It purchased a$ 1, 000 TV for the gym, a$ 3, 867 ice-maker, and a$ 560 stereo for the employees ‘ use. It also had an in-house gym.
To receive funding from FMCS, applicants for grants just needed to have some sort of ambiguous union pretext.
It gave$ 57, 000 to a company to” strengthen of culture of continuous improvement to drive us to world class excellence,”$ 61, 000 to a hospital that went bankrupt, and$ 51, 000 to a childcare company to help it pay government licensing fees.
Some” trainers” were paid$ 1,500 per day to serve the agency, plus an additional$ 163 per hour for travel.
Congratulate goodness Trump and DOGE haven’t let FMCS go, and we can safely expect that it will eventually go dead. This pit of an organization is the best illustration of exactly what’s wrong with the D. C. Swamp.
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