Another D.C. Circuit determine seized executive branch authority on March 18 and forbade the commander-in-chief from excluding gender dysphoria from military recruits. District Court Judge Ana Reyes, who identifies as some selection of LGBT, is a former Democrat Party donation and, as a prosecutor, litigated against the first Trump presidency. We were aware of her decision-making, not just because of her profile but also because she insisted that forcing troops to lie about reality couldn’t possibly change military readiness during oral arguments.
The so-called determine cites current court decisions, the Broadway hip-hop production Hamilton, Bostock v. Clayton County Supreme Court legislation, and business news articles in an opinion screed that comes with her injunction. It would be difficult for this theater child in robes to create a legal legal analysis rather, for the Constitution explicitly provides in Article II, Section 2, that” The President may become Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States”.
The leaders in chief have the authority to set the standards, expectations, goals, and essentially everything else for men. In his first term, Trump apparently implemented this same scheme. It was 100 percent legal therefore, and it’s 100 percent legal today. It is clear that the president has the authority to make this decision if Presidents Clinton, Obama, and Biden get allowed to release gay men and all the presidents before to do so.
Torres 79 chapters, in Cluster B, valley-girl language, is required to ignore this fundamental feature of U.S. law and jurisprudence. That’s because Reyes is never a determine, she’s an advocate who doesn’t need a place on any criminal bench — or in any court at all ( except as a accused ). That is apparent both from her perspective and qualifications, as well as from her mind.
The Court has defer, yes. But no blindly”, Reyes writes, dismissing her duties with a limp-wristed twist of the console. Within seven days of taking office, the President issued Executive Order [1483], and Secretary Hegseth issued the Policy [35 time later]. There is no proof that they consulted with military officials in uniform before doing so. Neither report contains any study nor cites any data”.
None of this is of any significance. Legal authority of the president is not subject to the law’s requirement that activist judges constantly revise laws. Even if the leader provided 5, 000 pages of evidence to back up his policies, anyone knows this judge and many others would blow that away to act based on their personal political preferences.
Torres claims she’s gotten” Insects from defendants on th]e key problem” of why the Trump administration didn’t enlist soldiers because they are so delusional that, unlike even day-old babies, they didn’t tell the difference between men and women in junior-high “oh, jump” language with an almost audible voice pan. Offer it another five times;” judges” like her will insert GIFs into “opinions” they publish via BlueSky.
Fuentes goes on to misinterpret and misinterpret the U. S. Declaration of Independence, referencing it via the theatre manufacturing Hamilton to change the wording from” all men are created equal” to” all people are created equal”. Reyes appears to have taken the false and biased position that the founders didn’t use the word “man” in the general equitable, as in “mankind.” She also adopted the false notion that “equal” means “exactly the same,” which the founders did not say or believe because it is certainly stupid.
The owners knew affirming individual equality doesn’t think all people have the similar talents and abilities, for we clearly do not. The “equality” they meant by a just state should be provided by guaranteeing the safety of its members ‘ rights and liberties. Nothing has a legal right to formally advertise their phobias in the United States government or anywhere else. Someone who makes up arguments that supposedly support such evil disease disqualifies herself from all public regard.
The founders also disregarded the notion that “liberty” entails that” I get to do whatever I want.” They regarded it as “free to do what is right.” Everyone with a conscience understands it’s irrational and evil to put men who bill taxpayers for “neovaginas” in charge of airplanes, machine guns, and cannons. This is demonic suicide, not republican liberty. As a threat to American lives, liberties, and happiness, any judge who doesn’t comprehend these truly Constitution 101 concepts should be dismissed from the bench.
Reyes further claims Americans with gender dysphoria have a” constitutional right” to serve in the U. S. military. Tell those Americans who have ADHD, obstructive compulsive disorder, poor vision, heart trouble, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, allergies, and a host of other mental and physical health conditions that prevent them from enlisting.
Second, thank you, Neil Gorsuch, for providing cover for queer activists like Reyes to make such absurd and false claims. In his badly reasoned, politicized 5-4 opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County, Gorsuch claimed treating men and women differently “penalizes a person identified as male at birth for traits or actions that it tolerates in an employee identified as female at birth. Again, the individual employee’s sex is a clear and unmistakable part in the dismissal decision.
That’s just plain” Wrong,” as I previously stated in my most recent book. A man who dresses up as a woman is not analogous to a woman dressing up as a woman. He resembles a woman who appears to be a man. An employer firing a worker for cross-dressing is firing them for their behavior rather than for their sex. Gorsuch’s scenario doesn’t just change the participants ‘ sex but also their behavior, as Justices Alito and Kavanaugh noted in their dissents”.
The Supreme Court majority, as I’ve already explained, has no idea how sex works because two men cannot have the same genital interactions as a man and a woman, as I have also shown in the case. ( In case you’re unsure, that’s because he and he don’t share the same genitalia. ) Sweet summer rain, we’re living in a blooming nuthouse. )
Gorsuch personally inserted the phrase “gender identity” into federal employment laws relating to” sex” in an act of unconstitutional judicial tyranny in Bostock. His majority assumed Congress’s role, thereby removing its constitutional authority. Crap rulings like these delegitimize not just the Supreme Court but all other courts, and fuel the raging bonfire of judicial incompetence now blazing across screens everywhere.
Reyes was immediately used by numerous courts and the Biden White House to impose unconstitutional, irrational, and anti-reality edicts on Americans. The Biden administration cited it to compel public and private schools to teach gender dysphoria to receive federal lunch money, and to compel any organization receiving federal funding to promote gender totalitarianism on its employees and clients.
Courts went wild with it as well. Reyes, who oversees one of those courts, states that the Court and the defendants concur that Bostock’s holding is conform to Title VII. But its justification is different,” she writes. ” The Supreme Court deduced it impossible—end stop—to discriminate against a transgender person without discriminating against that person based on sex”.
Americans didn’t realize that the court was an impartial and nonpartisan actor despite the Bostock majority’s arbitrary rule. Even leftists are aware that the Constitution would never permit courts to compel presidents to appoint deranged men in skirts. That’s why they hate the Constitution.
All decisions like these add to the delegitimization of courts and stifle resentment against them by Americans who genuinely support the rule of law, which is the only ultimate defense against other forms of tyranny, such as an untethered executive and impotent Congress. The Chief Justice John Roberts ‘ decision on Tuesday to criticize Trump is another example of how a flag flew over stampeding federal courts.
The president’s constitutional authority is not subject to second-guessing by unelected judges who hate the Constitution. The governed’s consent, which was unwaveringly granted by this most recent election, is required.
Numerous federal judges don’t adhere to the Constitution because, if they did, they wouldn’t attempt to seize the executive branch’s constitutional authority through unlawful decisions like Reyes’. They are disqualifying the federal judiciary, and in so doing, erasing its legitimacy in the eyes of the true sovereign, the American people. The Supreme Court has so far stepped up.
The only way to restore the courts ‘ legal authority is to abide by the United States ‘ supreme law, not by granting and allowing unjustifiable rulings.