A leftist organization claims that conservatives” curb voting membership, push people off the voter rolls, and put out genuinely cast ballots” in November’s election. However, it has not yet published the entire study, which appears to have relied on flawed approach to blame low voter turnout on “r ] ight-wing funding of election deniers and anti-voting right companies.”
” Many people were unable to cast their ballots, which was a major problem. In the leftist towel The American Prospect, Aaron Dorfman, CEO of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, wrote that” Another did voting, but their vote was improperly rejected and not counted.” It was planned for and funded, not by injury.
Dorfman omitted instances of people being “wrongly rejected” or having their seats “wrongly rejected” in the results. However, he cited his organization’s study as proof of unfair traditional influence on November’s election, claiming that foundations and donors funneled “more than$ 1 billion” to allegedly “advocate purging individuals from the election floats, restricting vote-by-mail or early voting, removing drop boxes, and other ways of making it easier for people to vote.”
Never mind a few crucial points. The study only looked at funding for conservative organizations from 2020 to 2022, which is years before the November election, and it only looked at overall funding for these policy groups. Rather, it didn’t list any particular “election denial and anti-voting rights” organizations it was referring to. Dorfman also cited the general budgets of the conservative Texas Public Policy Foundation ( TPPF ) and Public Interest Legal Foundation ( PILF ) as examples.
Research Manager for Special Projects Katherine Ponce, the author of the study’s online webpage, offered availability for a speaking engagement on March 24 but said researchers were “booked the rest of this week” with “deepening and expanding the scope of our anti-democracy funding research.” The Federalist requested a copy of the study itself once more, and Ponce claimed that the “previous link includes all the data we have published to date.” We are currently releasing information as we learn it.
According to Chuck DeVore, senior contributor to The Federalist and national initiatives officer at TPPF,” That so-called study is just hocus-pocus B. S.” According to the left, anything done to ensure that election laws work for free and fair elections and that those laws are put into place using best practices amounts to voter suppression, election denial, or both amounts to.
DeVore claimed that” there’s hardly any way” NCRP would be able to provide any information regarding TPPF’s funding. He also disputed the notion of “election denial.” He said,” That’s kind of a general term that doesn’t really apply to anything we were doing.”
The group has a number of national initiatives, including ones involving criminal justice and immigration, and one of its many focuses is election integrity, according to Josh Findlay, director of TPPF’s Election Protection Project. Prior to the election in November, he claimed that the Election Protection Project had been working on “improvementing election administration.”
” This election is not being denigrated,” he said. We also want laws to be enforced and practices to adhere to transparency and security, according to Findlay. We wanted a vote in which the electorate could trust both the process and the outcomes.
DeVore claims that TPPF has been deployed across various states to monitor the primaries in order to ensure the poll workers ‘ partisan balance and compliance with election law. And TPPF actually assisted hurricane victims in western North Carolina, despite Dorfman’s claim that these organizations were” suppressing voter participation.”
” Many precincts and polling locations were completely destroyed, and many people were homeless, but they still wanted to cast their ballots. So how do you cast your ballot? said DeVore. ” Each of what we did was then to pay for essentially public interest advertisements that read,” Hey, the election’s coming up, here’s how you vote.”
The Capital Research Center ( CRC ), which is headed by Scott Walter, stated to The Federalist that “only a small percentage of TPPF funds, for instance, go toward anything related to voting, so almost certainly the methodology is garbage.”
It’s difficult to comment on a study whose authors lack the fundamental honesty to make it public, but it seems that NCRP is counting 100 % of grantees ‘ revenues or expenditures (NCRP doesn’t specify which ) toward “vote suppression,” Walter said. It is abhorrent to be referred to as “anti-democracy” by those who likely couldn’t tell you what the first three articles of the Constitution were, and who, in my opinion, think things like voter ID laws, which were passed through democratic elections and supported by large numbers of people of all ethnic groups, are “anti-democracy.” ‘”  ,
In contrast to the fleeting support for social justice, NCRP claims that its work exhibits” a chilling commitment to regressive, right-wing goals.” However, according to Walters, CRC found that leftists typically spend more money on public policy than conservatives.
More than a 10: 1 left-wing advantage was discovered in Capital Research Center’s final attempt to totalize left/right nonprofit public policy funding for the 2019 to 2020 cycle, he claimed.
A left-wing organization called NCRP promotes “equity and justice” through philanthropy. A Heritage Foundation official warned the organization could turn into an “agent of radical change” soon after its founding, according to InfluenceWatch, citing an expert from the organization. The NCRP has backed leftist initiatives like increased funding for” sex worker advocacy” organizations, increased immigration, and racial “reparations.” Despite the Honest Elections Project finding that 88 percent of Americans support requiring photo identification to cast ballots, it has opposed so-called “restrictive voter ID laws.”
According to its website, the group plans to publish more research on” the anti-democracy movement” and what it considers to be “anti-LGBTQ+, anti-immigrant, and anti-abortion movements” in the coming months.
Dorfman, the CEO of NCRP, has frequently criticized conservative philanthropy and President Donald Trump. From 1992 to 1997, he served as a lead organizer for the now-defunct leftist voting group Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN).  ,
In 2004, authorities began looking into” thousands” of possible voter fraud related to ACORN employees. In 2009, JamesO’Keeefe, who later founded Project Veritas, exposed ACORN employees with undercover footage for providing advice that, according to InfluenceWatch,” seemed to condone or support covering up prostitution, statutory rape, human trafficking, immigration fraud, and tax evasion, among other illegal activities.”
Leftist organizations like NCRP have been having more trouble since 2014, according to Logan Churchwell, research director for PILF, who spoke to The Federalist.
According to Churchwell,” This is what message and movement stagnation look like.” They appear to have entered the era of wailing and teeth grinding from the depths of space. It’s sad, really”.
The staff writer for election integrity is Logan Washburn. He is a The College Fix spring 2025 fellow. He has positions with The Wall Street Journal, The Tennessean, and The Daily Caller and previously worked as Christopher Rufo’s editorial assistant. Logan is originally from Central Oregon, but he now resides in rural Michigan.