A bar of the he/she/it range slackly grabbed a ball bat and threatened a MAGA hat-wearing client to leave the bar, or more, at Chatterbox Jazz in Indianapolis on March 16. The place was flooded with both liberals cheering on the armless bartender’s valiant stand against MAGA “fascism” and patriots criticizing the” accepting” left’s hypocrisy and prejudice.
The club itself has now issued a statement about the event, but it’s never what it should have been: an apology and an assurance that the club welcomes everyone. Chatterbox doubled down in contrast, and it also appears to be pushing the boundaries of wisdom far past their breaking point. ” On Friday, March 14th,” it says” a group of individuals” (yes, Chatterbox, that’s what the word “group” means, you didn’t have to add” of individuals” ), “visited Chatterbox and intentionally harassed and harassed a Chatterbox employee, resulting in them being asked to leave by our staff ). Then they returned to record a movie that has since been shared on various social media platforms, orally assaulting our customers and employees, and making threats to our creation.
Is that true? The affair may start in the video because it seems as though the waiter and the woman who is recording the incident have already gotten into a fight. The person wearing the MAGA helmet is reportedly asked by the bartender to leave the bar, but the video shows him telling her to do so. He eventually responds,” Because you support Trump.” Later, she re-enquires as to why she is being thrown out,” Because I’m wearing a Trump hat.” The waiter responds” Yes” right away with joy. The waiter replies,” I don’t worry. That’s crazy”! to which the girl replies:” That’s crazy. Get out” . ,
You’ll see that despite the fact that he/she/xe had many opportunities to do so, the bar doesn’t give the slightest tinge of any alleged intentional “misgendering” or harassment. Instead, he asserts twice that he is throwing the person up and striking her with a baseball bat despite appearing to have never touched one before in his miserable life, solely because she is wearing a MAGA hat, and not because Chatterbox then claims that she and her friends have been causing problems in the bar before the video started.
The Chatterbox’s declaration then goes into the depths of leftist hypocrisy, saying,” The Chatterbox is home to a different group of employees and customers. We do not tolerate rude or demeaning language or symbols in our institution. By regulation, we are permitted to refuse services to anyone who interferes with our operations. We look forward to serving as a place for those who enjoy music and understand our community.
This dishonest and self-righteous declaration is yet another illustration of the fact that those who consistently deny a true diversity of viewpoints are the ones who yell the loudest about diversity. The remaining wants people of all races, colours, and sexual orientation to band together and say the same thing about every problem.  ,
In the eyes of leftists, diversity is what “diversity” actually means: a large number of people marching in lockstep up on the path to communist ideology, some with azure hair, some with clean hair, some with nose rings, some with those great unpleasant things pulling down their ear lobes. Because they are as persuaded of their morality and justice as any Medieval Inquisitor always was, they don’t see their hypocrisy in refusing to serve someone wearing a MAGA hat. Without telling the stove, to his shock and horror, that he was really the sinner and that the person he was torching was correct, he may burn heretics in good conscience.  ,
Related:  ,  ,  ,  , Woman Wearing MAGA Hat Denied Service, Threatened With Baseball Bat at Indianapolis Dance Club
Liberal leftists today mock traditional religion, but they do so with fervor, fanaticism, and unwavering assurance that they are either on the side of history or that they are on the angels, which would be their way of defining it. The least of all, kicking someone out of a table, is the least of it. Communist clarity leads directly to the prison if it is followed to its natural finish.
If given the chance, fully indoctrinated leftists like the waiter and, er, the owner of Chatterbox Jazz would gladly put Trump supporters on the table. And that is why they shouldn’t been given that opportunity.
We haven’t gone mad, but the remaining has. Use promo code FIGHT to get 60 % off your account and save some money by signing up for PJ Media VIP . That possesses a thump that is far greater fierce than anything the Chatterbox bartender could muster.