Ben Shapiro, the mind honcho of The Daily Wire, and Morton Blackwell, the Leadership Institute’s direct puppy, are two of the top liberal thinkers in America. Shapiro is more popular, but Blackwell is definitely more significant: The Leadership Institute has been around since the later 1970s, training tens of thousands of traditional activists. GOP senators, representatives, administrators, cabinet members, and at least one PJ Media contributor ( Hi! ) are included among its students. …
As for Shapiro, he’s matured into a leading message for conservative. His cultural internet skills are frequently copied, but rarely on par with those of others. He’s the media’s most recognizable voice among all the media voices that comes closest to a Rush Limbaugh: a daring, defiant voice who effectively conveys complex conservative principles. He lacks the fun, happy contempt, and “panache” of Limbaugh, but he’s tailormade for today’s information age, and The Daily Wire is now the internet store of choice for millions of young Americans.  ,
That is a fantastic success.
Blackwell and Shapiro have gotten a bit right, but there’s a vital area where they’re completely wrong — and it ties into the existential issues facing the Democratic Party.
The famous quote from Shapiro is,” Information don’t worry about your sensations.” And I am aware of his claim that there is a real, goal truth that is independent of your own needs. That’s correct. Information and feelings differ in some ways.  ,
But for advertising purposes, Shapiro has it entirely backwards: Feelings don’t worry about your details!  ,
Human beings are personal decision-makers, whether or not. We “lust” physically and therefore justify academically. Emotions circle registers, which is why the most effective marketing campaigns are all based on psychological triggers rather than intellectual arguments. Intelligent claims do no.
As for Blackwell, he developed” The 45 Laws of the Public Policy Process”. Check out the list, which is very cool and contains a lot of great, really pertinent information.
However, Law# 23 is simply incorrect. It says,” In volunteer elections, a architect can develop faster than a warship is destroy”.
It would be nice if it were accurate, but unfortunately, it isn’t because building is difficult! It’s simple to destroy. In just one day, a destroyer may destroy Anything you spent years building.
Have it?
That is the preface: facts don’t matter when it comes to building or destroying, and feelings are much more important than it does making them. With this in mind, here’s how to eliminate the Democrat Party in four simple steps.
Second, break the Democratic Party’s core. IN PERFORMANCE.
According to Rep. Sean Casten (D-Il. After a town hall meeting, a Democrat partner called him in grief and cried,” They hate us. They despise us.”
Right then, you have the separate senator from Vermont, communist Bernie Sanders, touring with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). They’re drawing sizable masses. And as a result, they are mainstreaming a new definition of democracy that would work in far-left New York and progressive Vermont but wouldn’t be as popular in red or purple areas.
The Democrats are long overdue for an intellectual reform. They’ll later reunite once more, but a divided democratic majority would help MAGA to rule the nation with a simple 45 % approval rating. They’ll likely remain divided for the duration of Trump’s presidency.
Next, get left-leaning libertarian. NOT AT ALL DAY.  ,
The abuses and misuses of liberalism have now pushed most right-leaning libertarian into the MAGA tent, and that trend didn’t change. In fact, the majority of the male-focused web is more a right-leaning liberal than a real liberal, but they all found a place in the Republican Party.
Don’t look now, because the Democrats are also in danger of losing left-leaning libertarian.
Test out this picture of Bill Maher bemoaning the mad requirements of the extreme left ( some NSFW speech, but FYI):
BILL MAHER– IT WOOULD Been “GAME OVER” FOR DEMOCRATS. photograph.— March 23, 2025, Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres ).
There aren’t many groups left in play because social fragmentation is at an all-time high. Left-leaning republicans, who usually wanna be left alone, but help thousands of liberal laws, are also loyal members of the Democratic partnership. They do, yes, squirm at the word nonsense, but they’re also trustworthy, trustworthy lever-pullers for Donkey individuals.
At least they were once.
But here we have left-leaning liberal Bill Maher— who donated seven numbers to Barack Obama only 13-years back! — excited to meet Donald Trump at the White House.
Hey, also left-leaning libertarian have limitations.
Third, push the Democrats into progressively extreme positions. IN PERFORMANCE.  ,
This ties into the material above, because one way to cut left-leaning libertarian away from the Democrats is to “encourage” the Donkeys to oppose laws that left-leaning libertarian help.
like DOGE.  ,
Look, if the Democrats want to define themselves by adamantly opposing the elimination of government waste, we shouldn’t stand in their way. ( Stopping DOGE is exactly what Sen. Sanders and AOC are fighting so hard for )! However, it leaves the Dems with a Faustian bargain: If they attack DOGE, their liberal base will be enthralled, but left-leaning libertarians will walk. If they do nothing, they’re enabling Trump.
The GOP should play a smart game by exacerbating these inner-party tensions.
The Democrats will support the anti-DOGE forces in the long run, completely abandoning the libertarians. They have to! And it’s all because of reason# 4:
Fourth, discredit the Democrats ‘ ‘ raison d ‘être and thus discredit their current leadership. IN PERFORMANCE.  ,
Every organization has a purpose, a desired function, and a purpose. The reason the Democratic Party exists is to promote liberal beliefs, stop conservatism, advance liberal candidates, and create a more-liberal world.
That’s it!
There is no point for the Democratic Party to continue if it is unable to fulfill its function. No reason for anyone to give it money. It is useless. They must contend for something, then.
And we seem to be moving in that direction:
The Breakfast Club co-host Charlamagne tha God, one of the most well-known, sane, and needed voices in our country, frequently had this to say about the Democratic Party:” If I were a Democrat, I wouldn’t even speak for the party right now because the party is in ruins. The atmosphere is chaotic. The party has no leadership. The party doesn’t have any messaging. We all have eyes, we all have ears, and we can see that they are without direction.
We even have pundits predicting the Democrats are about to be swallowed in a liberal version of a Tea Party uprising:
Democrats are on the verge of an intra-party revolt, much like Tea Party-style, and the numbers are clear: They are no longer satisfied with the status quo in their party.
The Democratic approval rate is unlike any in recent history, and it is not a case of angry, disgruntled partisans reacting to a defeat in the previous election. The first time Democrats lost an election to Donald Trump, their congressional approval ratings within the party actually ticked up, as Democratic base voters largely approved of the ways that party leadership resisted the Trump administration in early 2017. In 2021, Republicans began to express their opinions on the congressional GOP despite Trump’s defeat and the subsequent chaos.
The partisan furore that is currently pricking Democratic voters would be roughly a decade old when Republican political unknown Dave Brat toppled House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a shocking 2014 primary upset.
Good. They are not fighting with us when they are fighting with one another. Let’s make them both destroy one another:
There is no more room for weak leadership, no more time for calculated political inaction. Democrats must elect a leader who comprehends the existential stakes of the moment and Schumer must step down.
We won’t just lose another election if we don’t mobilize right away and demand real resistance. We’ll lose our democracy. [emphasis added]
The left doesn’t care about the facts; only their feelings matter. And, as we’re witnessing in real time, a destroyer can destroy faster than a builder can build. The left is acting tactically rather than emotionally, and they have been hysterically trapped in a number of impossible-win situations. Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.
And now they’re just damned.
One Last Thought: The Democrats are in trouble, but keep an open mind about the danger of donkeys. 2025 will either be remembered as the year we finally made America Great Again, or as the year it all slipped through our fingers. We need your help to succeed! You’ll have access to all of our family of websites ( PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms ), plus more stories, videos, content, fun, conservatism, and more EVERYTHING! Additionally, if you CLICK HERE and use the promo code FIGHT, you’ll receive a Trumpian 60 % discount!  ,
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