On Monday, Elpidophoros addressed the chairman at the White House in honor of Greek Independence Day, also known as the Celebration of the Greek Revolution. Following almost 400 years of occupation, the Greek Revolution, which began in 1821, was the catalyst for Greece’s eventual independence from the Ottoman Empire.
Elpidophoros compared Trump to one of Orthodoxy’s most adored leaders while standing next to him and gave him noble reward.

You live up to the beliefs of our Christian faith and have a passion for the Gospel through your authority. You remind me of the wonderful Roman Emperor Constantine the Great, who founded and constructed the beautiful city of Constantinople, which is also known as Istanbul now, and drew cheers when he mentioned him.
Elpidophoros continued, releasing a beautiful Orthodox cross, and exclaiming,” It is my great honor to present you with this Holy Cross.” This combination represents the very thing that Constantine, a tremendous Roman Emperor, achieved in battle. As Christ had previously said in a vision,” Go with this and be winning!” This mix is a mark of divine power and guidance and an unbreakable symbol of peace.
Trump accepted the gift and displayed it for the visitors to view.
I pray that you end world wars and make America untouchable with this combination. Elpidophoros continued, praising Trump’s community, and wishing God would bless them forever,” Mr. President.”
Constantine saw a bridge in the sky the day before his decisive Battle of the Milvian Bridge against the ancient Maxentius in 312 A.D., according to the profile of the Roman writer Eusebius. In a dream that night, Christ appeared to him and said to him,” In this sign, conquer”! Before going into battle, Constantintine instructed his men to paint the Chi-Rho image, which represent the second two capital letters of Christ, on their weapons.
Constantine won, and the Edict of Milan was issued, making the persecuted Christian church legal. In 380 A.D., Christianity quickly grew to become the empire’s established church.
Constantine is of particular significance to the Orthodox Church, which canonized him for his work in contrast to the Roman Catholic Church. One of the greatest accolades received from the Greek Orthodox Church is Elpidophoros ‘ evaluation of Trump to Constantine.
Trump also thanked and praised the Grecian American people, particularly those who backed him in November. He cited the” Romans for Trump” organization’s work.
Elpidophoros ‘ embrace of Trump surprised many because he is regarded as one of the most progressive Catholic leaders. His liberal stances and public appeal to church officials to take modernization have put him in conflict with many in the generally conservative church.
The pope joined Black Lives Matter protesters on a 2020 march. When he was pictured baptizing an baby belonging to an openly gay couple in the summer of 2022, he sparked an international incident. Later, he decried Catholic church leaders who compared the Orthodox Church to the Nazis and criticized Greece’s legislation of queer marriage as “fascistic.”
Elpidophoros, who spoke at the March for Life in January 2022, drew the ire of some when he said,” At the same time, we even recognize our appreciation for the independence of women,” adding that the Virgin Mary “freely chose” to take Christ into the earth. The Antiochian, Bulgarian, Romanian, and Bosnian British Orthodox hierarchs issued a statement criticizing his speech.
Elpidophoros has begun to pick a more democratic line in recent months, culminating in his assessment of Trump to Constantine. He praised Trump for his win in November by opening a prayer at the Republican and Democratic National Conventions next month. In December, he had a meeting with Kimberly Guilfoyle, the novel U.S. adviser to Greece.
Elpidophoros serves as president of one of the nation’s largest Conservative parishes, with the Greeks accounting for the largest Catholic emigrant community in the country. According to a 2017 Pew Research Center poll, 49 % of Conservative Americans were Greek, followed by 16 % of Catholic women, which may have changed as a result of the recent influx of Orthodox changes.