It’s still earlier already. Before the actual choice of the 2028 Democratic presidential candidate, a lot of things may happen that will alter any assumptions that are being made right now. Liberals and non-Democrats everywhere can’t stop speculating about who will be the Party of Enforced Insanity’s candidate, though that doesn’t.  ,
No one is mainly thrilled that Kamala Harris has a significant lead in the polls, especially the Democrats who jumped off Joy’s rock with her in 2024, and so the party’s top dogs are frantically looking for a way to get them out of the tunnel they’ve dug themselves into.  ,
The New York Times chose its candidate on Sunday, rolling out a puff element that was over 1,500 words long, with appealing images of the chosen candidate and an honest analysis of why she was the right choice for right-thinking persons, or left-thinking people, at least for the time being. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Swizzle Stick ) is the New York Times ‘ current choice.  ,
Yes, it’s actually accurate. The New York Times describes the lawmaker as a viable presidential candidate whose lack of basic knowledge of how the United States government operates and other issues may appear to make her a constant target of ridicule among Americans. The congresswoman who has sparked debates about whether the letter” D” after her name means” Ditz”? The congressman who is so far to the left that Chairman Mao appears to be a neoliberal roadster. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, that.
The Grey Lady wants our country to move its unhappy eyes to her because AOC is so very far to the departed. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont has been running for president for the past ten years, the Times puff part states,” Put pressure on former President Joseph R. Biden Jr. to acquire more democratic guidelines.” The Times, of course, refers to capitalist, Washington-centered, legally controlled, and conservative.  ,
The evil Orange Man is now attacking the Democrats ‘ financial and legal foundation, saying that” Democrats find their legal and funding institutions under attack from the Trump administration.” You believed Trump and Elon Musk were eradicating waste and forgery in our state, but here the Paper of Record shows that what we assumed were Democrat party funding and legal help were actually used by them. Who is Democrats turn to now that Trump and Musk are using the knife against them and Bernie Sanders, their communist father, is 83?
Make my a twice, bartender! ” Almost people interviewed said there was one obvious head for the job, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, despite there is little consensus about who will come to guide liberals into a post-Sanders period,” according to the interviewees. Not to mention:” She is what’s future if she wants it.” What comes following for what? According to the Times, AOC has three options. She could concentrate on the House, she had “run for the chair Senator Chuck Schumer is currently holding, or she could run for president in 2028,” she said.
For patriots, it might appear as though an AOC national work is a gift from heaven at first. In a time when increasing numbers of Americans are fed up with the federal novel dictating so much of their lives, she shares Sanders ‘ proclamation as a pledge communist. She has demonstrated on several occasions that she only has a thorough understanding of the most pressing issues. Additionally, she is from New York City, which makes her perform less also in flyover-friendly surroundings.  ,
On the other hand, she is young ( she’ll get 39 when the 2028 election rolls around ), personable, alluring, and socially in tune with the brainless taught teenagers, who have been taught the virtues of socialism throughout their education lives. She might prove to be a strong choice.  ,
The change is also present also within her own district. 82 % of New York’s 14th Congressional District voted for Obama in 2008, and 86 % in 2012. Hillary Clinton won 81 percent of the ballot in that state in 2016. Old Joe Biden garnered 77 % in 2020. What about Kamala Harris in 2024, then? With 65 % of the vote, she won the city. AOC herself won with 78 % in 2018, 71.6 % in 2020, 70.6 % in 2022, and 68.9 % in 2024. And then she plans to reverse that ongoing decline and emerge as a front-runner for the country?
Associated: Colorado Democrats Create It Unmistakable: They Hate the Constitution
AOC herself keeps to herself a secret about her plans, but the Times is doing everything in its power to get her to put her Mao seal into the ring. The Times gently urged her to stay positive and taking her pebbles and leave:” Ms. Ocasio-Cortez has even pondered whether to leave politics altogether, the persons who had spoken with her said. Given her long admonition to a crowd in North Las Vegas, Nevada on Thursday, it seems less probable that this will happen given her extended advice to continue supporting the Trump administration.
And her buddies want her to work as well:” A person who has worked with Ms. Ocasio-Cortez on campaigns, and who insisted on anonymity to discuss personal referral, remarked that being flooded with calls from Democrats — and not just those on the far left — after Mr. Schumer’s voting, asking about the congresswoman’s coming and encouraging her to contemplate taking higher business.”
The Times is adamant that whatever AOC can be prepared in 2028 may be tastier than yet another throwing serving of Kamala’s word salad. They might be able to persuade the Democrats to follow their lead. They’ll undoubtedly try.