Student alleges that the college asked her to delete a post that referenced Dr. Ben Carson on DEI.
On some university campuses, where there is still “diversity, collateral, and inclusion,” democratic discrimination is still tolerated. At my class, Alpha Omicron Pi, a sorority, I think, made use of this.
I’m a rookie studying political knowledge at Shippensburg University. I founded the Turning Point USA book at my university, where I now serve as president. Because I wanted the help and” sisters” they offer, I chose a school with colleges.
At a caffeine shop last quarter, I went through the illegal process of becoming a member of Alpha Omicron Pi. Because of how well we got alongside, I suppose the rulers liked me. The conference lasted for more than two hours. They assured me that because they are my” daughters,” and they are meant to support me regardless of whether they agree or disagree with my political views, they do not interfere with my membership in a college. I received a phone offering me a charge an afternoon after this meeting, and I picked up the offer.
A young girl in a college management position contacted me the following day to tell me that some of my social media posts against “diversity, capital, and participation” were concerning to an Alpha Omicron Pi consultant.
One was a repost of a Turning Point USA post ( above ), which featured a quote from Dr. Ben Carson, a renowned neurosurgeon and housing secretary under the first Trump Administration. Aren’t you pleased that businesses are realizing the need for La? said Carson at the Arizona event AmericaFest. I went to this occasion.
I then exchanged numerous emails with the college leaders about my concerns. In one of the information I received, it was stated,” In all truth, this is our way of saying we didn’t have these articles up now.” I was incredibly excited that I was being accepted into a sorority at the time, and I later thanked myself for taking the post down.
Since I founded the book at my university and am now its president, I inquired about Turning Point USA’s affiliation. I let them know that I want to stay in this position.
I was informed that the consultant and I do have a different discussion. I was informed five hours later that my charge was being withdrawn. I was informed that my social media posts do not adhere to the Alpha Omicron Pi values because they take “diversity, capital, and participation” very seriously. The sorority’s federal site has a” Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” website.
Why, then, did my pay expire? I made an offer to delete the social media post. The national frat website says that” Alpha Omicron Pi is under legal obligation to protect the goodwill associated with its marks and has both the right and the obligation to request the removal of objectionable/illegal content from web sites if the brand Alpha Omicron Pi or one of its listed marks is used.”
None of the marks of the sorority were present in any of my articles. According to the same plan,” The Alpha Omicron Pi recognizes its obligation never to overrestrict personal people.” Am I being constrained? They did, however, request that I remove social media content. That would be a restraint, therefore.
I’m curious if I was restricted by my social beliefs as a whole. Or was it because I was a TPUSA member? Or was it a share that I was eager to remove?
The sorority continued to pull a promised bet from a person who was different, despite the claim that it takes DEI very seriously. The Oxford English Dictionary defines variety as” the process or value of including or involving citizens from a range of various social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc..”
We are all a part of this group, and I am one of them. At the end of the day, I was not included.
Editor’s note: The College Fix wrote to the national Alpha Omicron Pi’s media relations crew half in the last two weeks, as well as to several of the Shippensburg college leaders, to inquire about the situation and the sorority’s guidelines regarding expressing political opinions. No one responded.
Kellyn Weber serves as the book chairman of Turning Point USA at Shippensburg University.
Further: There is no evidence that Trump supporters attacked pro-Palestinian pupils at Indiana University.
Kellyn Weber, a student at Shippensburg University ( inset ), and credit card processing. Shippensburg University, Kellyn Weber
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