When I get two weeks off in a row, I become less attached to adult behavior than typical. It’s not frequently. My wife and I will rest on the seaside today and then head for the beach to unwind after a few hours of walking and avoiding the countless spring breakers who are frantic about beginning Alcoholics Anonymous.  ,
Eat, drink, and be happy for tomorrow I rouse at 2: 30 a. m. to go back to work, according to my new favorite telling. No matter what day of the week it occurs on, Sunday is a time to reflect.
In truth, I have a book of regular views on my desk. Epictetus, a Greek philosopher who was born in 50 Advertising and passed away in 135 Advertising, is the inspiration for yesterday’s thought. He wrote that “freedom is not achieved by consuming your body’s want,” but rather by removing your desire. In other words, you’ll never have enough if your life is an endless conflict and challenge to accumulate more and more. However, you’ll discover that being satisfied is a lot more rewarding than having all the “pockets of liberty” you already possess.  ,
Here are a few random thoughts that have been percolating from my little seat on St. Andrew’s Bay, where I’m already sipping a cup of coffee sturdy enough to light Lazarus:
• Beef Jerky costs very much, as the man in the photo is stating to us. A nine-pack of beef sticks would have cost you about$ 17 back in 2017, but it would have cost more than that in 2023, just six years later. Stay with me as I get this because the cost is now just under$ 15 if we replace the canaries in the coal plant with a nine-pack of beef jerky pieces, which are incredibly cheaper than the canaries. Despite the fact that the guy’s indicator is not a bad pattern line, It appears that overall, rates are moving in the same direction.
• Please walk over if you are driving in the fast lane and see a mile-long group of vehicles in your rearview mirror. The tortoise is the official symbol of the local drivers in Panama City, Florida, where I live. The meter on multi-generational Panama City owners should be replaced with a timeline because they will travel for a lifetime without ever exceeding the speed limit. While the citizens have often traveled at glacier rate in the remaining lane, I’ve lived here off and on for more than 40 years, I’ve noticed an increase in out-of-town individuals who actually have locations to go. At best, it results in dangerous driving conditions and lethal road rage. Please move over and be polite, as this will reduce the temptation for those around you to make up ancestral speculation.  ,
• I texted my girl from Paris a few weeks ago, and she responded! My thoughts immediately turned to the one and only time I’ve been to Paris. We touched down at Charles de Gaulle in Paris on our way up from my second of three journeys of work in the Middle East to recharge the aircraft. Since we were wearing our even at the time, we were prevented from leaving the aircraft while refueling because the airline’s policy stated that Americans in uniform were not encouraged in Paris unless the Germans were visiting and refused to leave. Unfortunately, no one asked my sister to show up in France with the Statue of Liberty in her checked baggage, which would have prompted something similar from her older brother to” Molon Labe.” Next came General Norman Schwarzkopf’s study from Desert Storm:” Going to war without the French is like going hunting without an piano.”
• And could someone please direct Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas ) to stop harassing us with her constant threats and badgering? Crockett urgently needs to stop and take a breath, much like a woman I knew decades ago who was so wildly aggressive that she could start a fight in an empty house. She has recently stopped calling for Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas ) to be” Elon]Musk ] taken down” as a birthday present because she believes,” I mean, this dude has to be knocked over the head, like hard, right”? We never would have had it if, to quote Mark Twain, Crockett had been there when God had said,” Let there be light.”  ,
• Somebody else wondering whether the Republic will endure Justice Roberts ‘ Principles of Problem? Judge Ana Reyes ‘ bold restructuring of the government’s standard of preparation to something more in line with what she fancies was lacerated by Pete Hegseth, the secretary of defense, who had the presence of mind. Such are the incredible authority of a second, appointed federal district judge to appoint Article II Executive strength. Hegseth, Secretary, responded:  ,
Since” Judge” Reyes is today a leading military organizer, she or they can report to Fort Banning at 0600 to guide our Army Rangers on how to carry out High Value Target Raids. After that, Commander Reyes you send to Fort Bragg to teach our Green Berets on combat war.  ,
• Ironically, where does the legal battle between any itsy-bitsy, half-pint city prosecutor from Big Toe, Arkansas, and Big Thighs, New Jersey, finally come to an end? Would the Rules of Disorder definitely review of a popularly elected president coming to a halt in the court of quicksand, where also frequently justice is merely incidental to the procedure? This promise not.  ,
• Relating to Epictetus and the idea that one should value the “pockets of freedom” that currently exist, we can also work toward a civic society that is governed by individual sovereignty and limited government in accordance with what the country’s Founders intended, and still feel gratified that an American citizenry has finally woken up and is ushered into the backseat. It’s truly a great day for Sunday thoughts.  ,
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