You are aware of how wrong, stupid, unethical, and more will be rolled into one, regardless of what Trump says or does. And so it was when Trump demanded that the Democratic governor of Maine be elected. One thing was certain: Trump wasn’t going to get an explanation when Janet Mills apologized for her first disobedience of Trump’s executive order banning people from playing women’s sports. Rather, he was certain to experience more self-righteous, passive-aggressive communist could, and then, as if on signal, Mills has delivered.
Some people believed Trump’s request for an explanation to be nothing more than a case of angry arrogance, but it wasn’t. He demanded” a full-cheated apology” from Mills, as well as” a statement that she would never submit a constitutional challenge to the federal government again.” As many have pointed out, the principle of criminal review doesn’t really provide any judge wherever the authority to stop the executive branch because he doesn’t like what it’s doing, and the Democrats are using very political, activist judges to stop Trump from deporting legal migrants.  ,
In the same way, if Democratic governors start abusing executive orders they dislike, the country will have a genuine uprising on its hands, not the selfie-snapping with Viking horn that so terrifies and whines the left. After Maine capitulated to his professional order, Trump wanted Mills to go on history declaring that she would not contest the power of the country’s chief executive.
Mills responded in a manner that was acceptable and made to promote nationwide cohesion. She insisted that she was really the one who was fighting the rule of law, as she has done since the start of this discussion:” My concern is about the rule of law, pure and simple,” she insisted. It’s not about trans activities; it’s about who enforces the rules and makes the laws. I have read the Constitution. According to the Constitution, the president and the chief executive must ensure that the rules are carried out diligently. He is not permitted to “make laws out of thin air” through tweets, Instagram posts, media releases, or professional orders.
Funny thing is that Mills not raised like a question when Old Joe Biden and Barack Obama were abusing professional purchases. In any case, the high court must decide whether an executive order issued by the president is constitutional, not the government of Maine.
And as if that weren’t enough, Mills also had the gumption to present as a champion for women’s rights after making her angry stand against the noble principle that men should not be allowed to dominate women’s sports. ” We’ve seen plans that are putting a strain on girls and women across the country,” she said. ” If the present owner of the White House wants to protect women and girls, he may begin by safeguarding the girls and young women who are experiencing abortions and dying because they can’t access simple, life-saving care in state across the country.”
That is it. Trump doesn’t care about women because he hasn’t supported all the steps Mills wants to ensure that infants continue to die in sizable numbers. It’s no question Mills is thus blasé, at best, about mediocre male players becoming champion female athletes because giving kids to Moloch is all the remaining currently thinks of as children’s rights. That would be pretending to be female sports.
Associated:  ,  ,  , Maine Capitulated to Trump, But Then He Wants an Apology. Is He Excessively Excited?
Mills also claimed that” the issue isn’t about transgender activities” after defying Trump on the transgender problem. Yes, and you’re a capable government. She claimed that “people in Maine and across the nation are awaiting an economic strategy from the current owner of the White House.” And we haven’t seen any thus much. We’ve seen tariffs and dangers of taxes that threaten our economy in Maine and throughout the nation. Yes. Additionally, we’ve seen prices ease and fuel prices drop. Oh, and this consider who’s see they went through the roof in the first place.
Janet Mills intended to send a message, but she didn’t. No matter how valid, commonsensical, and common his plans are, she has shown that the Democrats are going to challenge Trump to the bitter ending. Americans are getting sick of their performance. And they’re going to find tired.
Janet Mills and her fellow coworkers may continue to try to impede Trump’s efforts to reform and sobriety. You won’t notice from the Times or the Post about this, but you will learn from us here. Join PJ Media VIP now. Use the FIGHT script to save an incredible 60 %.