The assisted reproductive technology ( ART ) champions the fertility industry and its widespread destruction and abandonment of countless embryos created through in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) cycles for decades.
Business media jumped up to defend the state’s now illegal Great Fertility business when the Alabama Supreme Court ruled last year that “every pregnant child,” including embryos that have yet to be implanted, are considered humans under the state’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act.
One of the many commercial media outlets was NBC News, which was concerned about the effects of the IVF debate. NBC News expressed concern that ART mediators and participants should “fearfully deal with IVF” after Alabama court guidelines eggs are children despite the ruling no nitpicking fertility services or their operations.
Another NBC News article stated that it’s unclear when fertility clinics may feel comfortable enough to continue normal activities or whether individuals who intended to abandon embryos will have to pay storage fees in the interim.
Only one year later, NBC News ‘ concerns about the inability of individuals to have few privileges from” IVF nightmares” turned into fears about how to eliminate, discard, or indefinitely freeze unlimited “leftover” eggs.
More than 300 lawsuits were filed between 2019 and 2024, according to an NBC News analysis that was released this week, alleging that sperm, eggs, or embryos had been lost, destroyed, or swapped.
The article states that” the suits were filed against fertility clinics or companies involved in the IVF process, and the majority — at least 260 — involved allegations of product or equipment failures,” noting that IVF “isn’t held accountable for mistakes or safety violations.
Press outlets like NBC News are not in awe of the millions of embryos that have been deliberately destroyed due to unreliable genetic testing, the likeness of which are also subject to freezing freezing fates every year.
Corporate media frequently defend the repeated creation and destruction of test tube babies as necessary, acceptable, or even trivial as long as the fertility facility and those responsible for those little lives agree to throw them out.
They promote abortion using the same twisted logic. After all, both the baby-making and baby-taking industries believe that life is only valuable and valuable if it is desired and deserves protection.
However, NBC News changes its tune when it comes to the accidental destruction of embryos that IVF clients so desperately need to use. Suddenly, microscopic people who were once considered disposable have a right to legal recourse simply because the people who commissioned them did not approve of their harm or elimination.
Reproductive rights advocates also have a reason to be wary of increased IVF regulations, which is why NBC News is aware of how hypocritical this position is.
They “fear intensifying debates about whether embryos are considered babies under the law,” the article claims.
It is nearly impossible to argue the legality of pursuing legal action against fertility clinics that mishandle test tube babies without acknowledging the identity of those embryos because it dictates that the law picks and choose when innocent life deserves to be protected.
It’s important to talk about the lack of ART regulation and oversight, but it’s also concerning. However, it is impossible to have that conversation without first acknowledging the sacredness of all human life, beginning at conception, regardless of the circumstances surrounding that conception. This is something NBC News is obviously unwilling to do.
The Federalist staff writer and host of The Federalist Radio Hour, Jordan Boyd. Her work has appeared in RealClearPolitics, Fox News, and The Daily Wire. Jordan graduated from Baylor University with a political science major and a journalism minor. Follow her on X @jordanboydtx.