He might be dead, but George Carlin is having a career year on social media. Seems the 20-something liberal crowd has discovered his standup material, and short clips of him lambasting the establishment are still going viral. Of course, Carlin was also waaaay to the left: In one of his books, he wrote, “Property is theft. Nobody ‘owns’ anything. When you die, it all stays here.”
Liberals love that.
(Interestingly, clips of his 1990 “Doin’ It Again” HBO concert, where he condemns euphemistic language, censorship, PC gibberish, and even defends the use of the N-word, are seldom shared online. Can’t imagine why.)
Whenever Carlin’s clips are uploaded, the youngsters all seem to have the same reaction: “Wow, this guy was REALLY ahead of his time!”
And in some ways, he absolutely was.
But perhaps he was most notably ahead of his time with his 1984 book, “Sometimes a Little Brain Damage Can Help.” Because, 40 years later — which sounds almost biblical, an irony Carlin would probably appreciate — an enormously large, brain-damaged Pennsylvania senator named John Fetterman is having a career year, too.
I mentioned his size because it’s striking: At six foot eight, he’s the only man left in D.C. who can look Barron Trump in the eye. With his shaved head and “gym bro” sweats, he’s one of a handful of Democrats who wouldn’t be out of place on the set of the “Joe Rogan Experience.”
In fact, he’s already recorded one episode with Rogan and will probably be taping more. (Over two million views on YouTube and Spotify.)
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party is just beginning to realize that it’s lost an entire generation of young male voters. As we discussed two days ago, “75-year-old white men supported Kamala Harris at a significantly higher rate than 20-year-old white men.”
As Newsweek described it:
“This is the thing I am the most shocked by in the last four years—that young people have gone from being the most progressive generation since the Baby Boomers… to becoming potentially the most conservative generation that we’ve experienced maybe in 50 to 60 years,” Shor [the head of data science at the pro-Democratic polling firm Blue Rose Research] stated.
It’s quickly becoming an existential problem for the Democratic Party. This is still a closely divided country; neither party can afford to lose key members of their constituencies. It’s all hands on deck! As professor David B. Cohen told Newsweek:
Young voters compose a crucial part of the Democratic base, and if that is eroding, where do they make up for that? Going forward, Democrats will have to figure out how to bring young voters back to the fold — particularly young men — if they want to be competitive nationally.
Enter John Fetterman.
He’s been candid about his mental health struggles — something which disproportionately afflicts young men, by the way. When pro-Hamas hoodlums protested outside of his home, he took to the roof and waved the Israeli flag. And he’s had it with the wackjobs in his own party:
“I was really the first Democrat to refuse to shut our government down, and my party was so desperate to pander to shut the government down,” Fetterman said. “Absurd, absolutely absurd. Six months ago, we were lecturing the Republicans, ‘You can’t shut the government down.’ Now it’s, ‘Well, yeah, let’s do these things.’”
He added, “It’s like that’s part of the problem, to pander, and they want to pander to the extreme parts of our party, to shut the government down. I said I will never burn the village down and claim that I’m saving it.”
Fetterman also pointed to Michigan as an example of political “pandering” that failed, claiming the Democratic Party tried to appeal to the left-wing Arab-American population only to lose the state to President Donald Trump anyway.
He specifically called out Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., for refusing to support President Joe Biden and later Vice President Kamala Harris during the 2024 election because of their support for Israel. Fetterman claimed that she and other far-left Democrats ultimately helped to elect Trump. [Emphasis added]
But his stance came at a cost: It put him in the crosshairs of the Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez/Bernie Sanders wing of the party. They hate him! But Big John isn’t backing down:
Fight “harder”—a stunt that would have harmed millions and plunged us into chaos.
We kept our government open.
Deal with it. pic.twitter.com/B7NvcidNfa
— U.S. Senator John Fetterman (@SenFettermanPA) March 21, 2025
It’s a power struggle. And it’s one that Fetterman won’t win: He might be big, but his “wing” of the party is puny. The Democratic Party is essentially a coalition party, where the common denominator is that everyone agrees that they’ll work together. For most of the last 50 years, the coalition has been comprised of women, minorities, liberals, young voters, and “left-leaning libertarians” — folks like Bill Maher, who generally lean to the left but mostly want to be left alone.
And you could probably include John Fetterman in that group, too.
The young vote has already left the building. The Democrats’ stranglehold on minorities has weakened as well. They still have women and liberals, but there’s been recent movement among the last group, the left-leaning libertarians:
With political polarization at an all-time high, there aren’t many subgroups left in play. Left-leaning libertarians, who generally wanna be left alone, but support lots of liberal policies, are still loyal members of the Democratic coalition. Sure, they recoil at the pronoun insanity, but they’re still reliable, dependable lever-pullers for Donkey candidates.
At least, they used to be.
Yet here we have left-leaning libertarian Bill Maher — who donated seven figures to Barack Obama just 13-years ago! — excited about visiting Donald Trump in the White House.
Hey, even left-leaning libertarians have limits.
Amidst this national realignment, women and liberals now have an outsized control of the Democratic Party. Proportionately, they’ve never been in a stronger position to set their party’s agenda, punish their intra-party rivals, and run the DNC. They might be losing nationally, but they’re consolidating internally.
This means that, eventually, Fetterman will lose to ‘em. He just doesn’t have the numbers.
Sen. Fetterman might’ve begun his journey as a Democrat. But, like all of us, he’s still a work in progress. He’s still evolving, still learning. And there’s no guarantee that the party he began with will be the party he leaves with.
‘Cause sometimes, a little brain damage can help.
One Last Thing: The Democrats are on the ropes, but make no mistake: The donkeys are still dangerous. 2025 will either go down in history as the year we finally Made America Great Again — or the year it all slipped through our fingers. We need your help to succeed! As a VIP member, you’ll receive exclusive access to all our family of sites (PJ Media, Townhall, RedState, Twitchy, Hot Air, Bearing Arms): More stories, more videos, more content, more fun, more conservatism, more EVERYTHING! And if you CLICK HERE and use the promo code FIGHT you’ll receive a Trumpian 60% discount!
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