It’s amazing that they give President Trump full ownership of their own decline, when it’s really the one thing that he has no influence over, given how unwilling the media are to funds him for anything.
This year, a New York Times” Daily” radio show honored Trump with the respect of “breaking the media.” Examples of these include the senator using well-known apps, the proliferation of other media sources, and Trump excluding the Associated Press from the White House press share. The most interesting exchange between Times journalists Michael Barbaro and journalist Jim Rutenberg occurred when Rutenberg, who covers media, attempted to distinguish between podcaster Joe Rogan and more conventional media characters like the overdue Walter Cronkite of CBS.
According to Rutenberg, “[T]heir systems, the Walter Cronkite, they’re rooted in information,” as if “news” is a practical concept similar to addition or subtraction. ( News ) is anything a given person didn’t know or finds compelling. You may like them or hate them, but they make an effort to promote truthfully and in accordance with the journalism’s guidelines. Roger does not. He can go on and on about things, no matter how much they may be veering from the factual information, and he’s free to say and go wherever he wants.
That Trump and, more importantly, large people prefer methods like Rogan’s, where “guests you go on and on about things, no matter how much they may be veering from credible information” is not something the president invented. It is the result of a thoroughly nasty advertising, including the Times, assuming it had power over our elections and state.
Fair enough, they type of succeeded. However, now everyone is conscious of the fraud and that they have options besides CBS and the Times.
Any of this has nothing to do with “veering from credible information,” which is absurd. To put it another way, this is all about the media claiming to be the only real source of information. They are not the only authority, and their self-promotion made them dishonest, uncertain, and ultimately boring.
Rutenberg means when he says that visitors on podcasts are allowed to speak on and on without veering too far from credible facts. He might not realize it, but it’s really really nice when an elected official or brand is allowed to speak even for a short while without a pout writer chiming in with” No, Mr. President!” Your statement is incorrect.
There is no one on earth who says more interesting stuff than Donald Trump, and that is especially true when the area makes fascinating remarks. He has lived a long life, and as all the radio conversations he participated in last year demonstrated, he is intelligent and has incredibly intelligent things to say. But they are unwilling to hear those issues. They want Democrats to get and maintain issues as they are, no matter what.
It’s tedious.
The leader deserves praise for showing that the Times and the rest of them weren’t interested in showing their concern for Trump or the members of his team. It’s a flagrant error on the part of the dying media.
They objected to him being asked why he said the things he did or why his backers wanted him to be president. There are endless fascinating stories it, but the dying press didn’t want them. Alternatively, they wanted to suppress him and denigrate those who were sincerely interested.
People then diverted to another location. They didn’t need The New York Times or its aging classmates to provide them with the information they needed. As long as it wasn’t suppressed, it was found in apps and on social media.
Of all the incredible issues Trump deserves praise for, destroying the internet is not one. They did that to themselves.