The Ark of the Covenant, the stomach that holds the Ten Commandments, was discovered in 1988 in an test conducted with clairvoyants who claimed they could see far objects, situations, and other people, according to key documents from the CIA. These assertions about the Ark of the Covenant were declassified in 2000, but they are now accessible on social media.
The mental or “remote viewers” was not informed that the Covenant’s Ark was at hand. The CIA identified the goal as Remote Viewer No 32, who had no previous knowledge of the goal. However, 32 describes a box adorned with images of six-winged angels and made of wood, metal, and metal.
The distant observer claimed that the thing was a Middle Eastern covert. Additionally, Arabic was spoken by the locals.
The Ark of the Covenant is what, exactly?
The Israelites fled Egypt soon after the construction of the Ark of the Covenant, according to the Bible. The Ten Laws, a list of instructions that God had given Moses, were placed in. According to some researchers, the Ark of the Covenant was once housed in the Holy of Holies, Jerusalem’s inner chamber, before vanishing during the Babylonian pouch of Jerusalem in 586 BC.
According to another myth, the chest was transported to Ethiopia and is now a part of a neighborhood religion.
The US government has known for years where the Ark is.
The CIA records reveal that the US government has known for years where the Ark is, despite common knowledge that it is referred to as everything that went missing. The Defense Intelligence Agency conducted Project Sun Run, a mission conducted in the 1970s and 1980s by people alleged to have supernatural abilities, to gather information about far events.
What the distant viewer’s opinion of the Ark of Covenant was.
Because the speakers ‘ Arabic language seemed to be prevalent, the target ( Ark of Covenant ) is located somewhere in the Middle East. People dressed in all white throughout the local houses, which resembled Mosque Domes. They had black eyes and black hair. The objective is concealed beneath in a gloomy and humid location. The goal is to unite a group of people, according to the statement. According to the remote viewer, “it has something to do with meeting, storage, tribute, and the resurrection.”
This container will not/cannot be opened until the time is determined to be appropriate because the target is protected by companies and can only be opened ( right now ) by those who are authorized to do so.