I believe too many people fail to understand that, in the history of mankind, living free is an anomaly. Tyranny has been the norm.
The right to speak freely, protest, own guns, and elect the leaders that we the people prefer are relatively new ideas to humanity. Yet many Americans are acting as though these rights can’t be taken away, which I find disturbing considering how many Americans are descended from Europe, which was ground zero for 20th-century despotism and the butchery of fascism.
Reminders of totalitarian slaughter are everywhere. Millions of Holocaust survivors live among us, some of whom still bear the concentration camp numbers that Nazis tattooed on their arms.
Europe and Asia are brimming with the largely unmarked mass graves of millions of people who died fighting for the right to exist. Millions of others had little chance to resist; they were arrested, crammed onto cattle cars, and exterminated in camps built for genocide or sent to gulags where they likely froze to death or died of typhoid. Millions of others were starved to death.
FACT-O-RAMA! I visited Auschwitz, the Nazi’s largest concentration camp, while honeymooning back in 2005, (no, we are no longer married). The camp stands as a grim museum so that people will “never forget” what happened and yet I see history repeating itself here in the U.S.A.
Though the Nazis seem to get most of the attention and blame for the slaughter of the 20th century, communism has killed far more.
FACT-O-RAMA! The Tsarist regime of Russia carried out 6,321 political executions between 1825-1917. The Bolsheviks murdered more than 15,000 in the autumn of 1918. Stalin alone is believed to have killed up to 60 million people from 1922 -1953.
Some believe communists killed roughly 94 million people in the 20th century.
Despite the hundreds of European and Asian mass graves — and those aforementioned tattoos — it seems that people have already forgotten how tyranny typically begins.
Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, the most prolific killers in the history of 20th-century despotism, utilized many of the same tactics to get their genocide in motion, and I am seeing those schemes being used in America today.
The first thing dictators need to do before slaughtering “enemies” is to convince the masses that those people scheduled to die are getting what they deserve, especially people with a little money in their pockets.
Hitler convinced the German people that Jews were responsible for everything wrong with the Fatherland, including the humbling defeat of WWI.
China’s Mao convinced his Red Guard, made up mostly of students no more than 24 years old, to kill anyone representing the “old” China as well as the “bourgeoisie.”
Stalin convinced the poor people of Russia that the “kulaks,” peasants who owned land and perhaps hired a few people to work it, were the reasons for their poverty.
FASCIST-O-RAMA! Scapegoating one group of people as “evil” will give the opposing group a sense of moral authority when it comes to persecution. The attackers will likely feel more glee than guilt when it comes to killing their enemies.
The scapegoats of the last four years in the U.S. have been conservatives.
Those of us who decided against injecting ourselves with a bogus “vaccine” for a virus that 99.5% of us would survive were labeled “granny killers.” We weren’t allowed into restaurants and other public businesses.
Liberals also believe that we are “racist homophobes” who are killing the planet and “genociding” mentally ill men in dresses.
GOAT-O-RAMA! We were branded as “science deniers” because we didn’t fall for the “climate change” subterfuge. Leftoids believe that we are intentionally destroying our habitat. How can they not hate us?
Check out this brief video showing the 10 stages of genocide and ask yourself how many you see happening today. More importantly, how many did you see take place while Joe Biden was in office?
Once the “enemy” has been scapegoated, they must now be dehumanized, and what better way to do that today than to label someone as a racist, homophobe, or a dreaded “Nazi.” After all, assaulting a Nazi is a good thing, right?
My favorite attack is on white “colonizers” who have allegedly robbed, raped, and enslaved most of the planet.
Though people of all races have, at one time or another, colonized other lands, only Europeans seem to be the bad guys. And let’s not get started on the “S” word (SLAVERY!).
What better way to dehumanize an entire race than to blame them for all of history’s woes?
There is another twist to committing 21st-century genocide: recrimination.
The American leftists scream about Israel’s “genocide” of the Palestinians while celebrating the October 7 massacre of Jewish civilians. Trans mass shooters are gunning down innocent people as they pretend they are being “genocided” by Christians.
INCONVENIENT TRUTH-O-RAMA! The globalists have very cleverly painted Christians as “homophobic” while Islam slaughters gay men with impunity.
Check out this short video where then-President Joe Biden kicked his tyranny up a notch as he scapegoats unvaccinated people:
Europe is in the midst of a brutal Muslim rape epidemic, soon to be followed in my opinion by a violent genocide of Westerners, but complaining about it may end up in a jail sentence.
England is releasing criminals from prison to make room for people found guilty of “offending” the so-called asylum seekers who are raping and stabbing their way to domination of the UK.
Islam, which is responsible for 82% of the world’s terror attacks, hides under the comfy victimization cloak of “Islamophobia” as it brutally takes over Western Europe.
FACT-O-RAMA! The left has demonized Christianity as the religion of hatred, not Islam, but I’ve never seen a nun explode.
We Westerners have been told for several decades that we are “racist” if we complain about the wildly out-of-proportion crimes, typically sexual assault, committed by Muslims. We are “Islamophobic” if we dare notice the hatred many Muslims have for Westerners and Western civilization. In short, the globalists are trying to convince us to quietly accept our own extinction, and in Europe, it’s working.
It’s also getting a little spicy here in the States.
A pro-Hamas group, Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), posted this statement to Instagram.
🤦🤦🤦 @Columbia come ON pic.twitter.com/95ZfNQuGc7
— Columbia Jewish & Israeli Students ✡️🇮🇱 (@CUJewsIsraelis) August 8, 2024
The statement laughingly accuses Westerners of imperialism, genocide, eugenics, etc., which is peculiar considering that millions of Muslims have moved into the U.S. and Western Europe as rapist “asylum seekers” and have a tendency to kill people who aren’t members of the religion of pieces.
Can I spread the word of Jesus in an Islamic country? Ask this dude:
Muslim man says they’re leaving Muslim countries to go to white countries for the purpose of teaching and converting people to Islam.
He’s asked if someone can go to an Arab country and talk about Christianity, the answer is strictly NO. pic.twitter.com/IvcwV2Mcfy
— D. Scott @eclipsethis2003 (@eclipsethis2003) March 27, 2025
Western civilization is on the chopping block. Those of us who see it are scapegoated and dehumanized. History tells us genocide might not be far away.
There is a reason the globalists have been pushing DEI:
- Diversity: we must accept other cultures into our own, even though they do not accept ours.
- Equity: we must provide them with the things they do not have, like money and a place to live (because we are a bunch of evil, Western colonizers who have robbed other cultures for centuries).
- Inclusivity: It’s not enough to merely accept them; we must welcome them and make them members of our culture (and you better not complain about sexual assaults and exploding buildings).
Islam is unable to assimilate into other cultures. Their “holy book” instructs them not to.
Surah 2:191: “And kill them (non-Muslims) wherever you find them … kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers (non-Muslims).”
Surah 9:5: “Then kill the disbelievers… pic.twitter.com/0QYklxqBVg— 🇺🇸 🍑Catherine🍑 🇺🇸 (@cat_barnes30) September 8, 2024
The left has scapegoated and dehumanized patriots for years. We were banned from restaurants over a virus that killed very few. The Biden administration locked up those of us who dared to pray at an abortion clinic or walk through an open door at the Capitol to peacefully protest a bogus election. Catholics ended up on an FBI watch list. Young female athletes were threatened if they didn’t shower with men.
If this isn’t the opening salvo of a future genocide, I don’t know what is, but we will keep an eye on Europe. If it happens there, we are next.
As PJ Media’s own Robert Spencer wrote:
As Britain moves inexorably toward becoming an Islamic republic, you can write the epitaph for the once-great nation that assembled an empire on which the sun never set: At least we weren’t racist.
It doesn’t have to be this way. We the People won’t bend a knee to a culture sent to conquer us.
The first step to our resistance is free speech. Without it, we will be jailed for speaking out against our attackers, as we have seen in England and Germany.
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We are not Europe; we will not cede our nation to a culture raised to use our values to exterminate us.