Marilyn Mosby, a disgraced former state attorney for Baltimore City, is asking for a reprimand from President Joe Biden before her May 23rd imprisonment.
Appearing on Joy Reid’s MSNBC plan this Wednesday, Mosby claimed that she’s done “absolutely nothing wrong, little illegal, little criminal”, and that pardoning her would be the right item for the president to do.
” I think that is appropriate”, she said. ” I know that I have done absolutely nothing wrong, nothing legal, nothing to be separated from my kids for 40 times as a result of withdrawing$ 90, 000 of my own money. It makes absolutely no sense”.
” I’m convinced that this administration does see past the political episodes”, she added, falsely attributing her legitimate concerns to problems by Republicans.
” They have targeted me”, Mosby continued. ” This is a four- year- lengthy investigation where they combed every aspect of my life, uninvited, going into people’s homes, knocking on my neighbor’s doors, intimidating folks, issuing subpoenas to the black churches five months before my re- election, not only to get me out of office, but they’ve done this to demonize me and to vilify me and to break me physiologically, properly, break me morally, break me monetarily”.
FYI: The judge in charge of her situation was appointed by none other than President Biden, and the attorney is a Democrat.
According to a Department of Justice hit release, Mosby was found guilty in November of two fraud counts “relating to the withdrawal of funds from the City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan claiming that she suffered severe economic consequences during the COVID- 19 pandemic while she was Baltimore City State’s Attorney.”
” ]O ] n May 26, 2020 and December 29, 2020, Mosby submitted’ 457 ( b ) Coronavirus- Related Distribution Requests’ for one- time withdrawals of$ 40, 000 and$ 50, 000, respectively, from City of Baltimore’s Deferred Compensation Plan”, the press release adds.
According to the media release,” Trial evidence demonstrated that Mosby falsely certified that she met at least one of the requirements for a distribution as defined by the CARES Act, and especially that she suffered severe economic consequences from the Coronavirus,”
— US Attorney Maryland ( @USAO_MD) November 9, 2023
Mosby defended her withdrawal of money Wednesday.
” This is not PPE loans, this is not COVID relief funding”, she said. In a retirement savings account, I used to put away money every two weeks.
Uh huh …
” If they can do this to Marilyn Mosby, who had the audacity to challenge the status quo, they can do this to anybody”, Mosby added.
She evidently” challenged the status quo” by demonizing” sex work” and defending criminals.
There’s just one problem with all this: She has n’t actually submitted an application to the Office of the Pardon Attorney. The good news for her is that, apparently, the application is n’t necessary to get a pardon.
” A second route]to a pardon ] that was particularly popular during the Trump administration would be to find a way to grab the president’s attention”, Jeffrey Crouch, a politics professor at American University, told The Baltimore Sun.
Trump would occasionally grant clemency to people he learned about through word of mouth or the media, he continued.
In fairness, things have n’t been running the same under Biden.
The Sun notes that” Biden has largely used his pardons for people who were convicted of drug crimes.” ” In general, pardons are exceedingly rare: Biden has received nearly 1, 000 pardon petitions during his term and has granted only 24″.
Eric Bacaj, a former federal prosecutor now with the firm Silverman Thompson Slutkin &, White, agrees.
” It’s a vanishingly small number of pardon petitions that are granted” , , he told the paper. ” It’s a long shot for any criminal defendant”.
But Mosby has n’t stopped herself from going so far as to create an online petition that is currently being promoted by infamous racial grievance monger Angela Rye:
SIGN THE PETITION FOR MARILYN MOSBY’S PARDON TODAY! Justice was delayed, but shall not be denied. Stand with us. Repost, share, and most importantly, sign on: https :// justiceformarilynmosby #pardonMosby pic.
— a. rye ( @angela_rye ) April 25, 2024
The petition states that attorney Marilyn Mosby is facing punishment for her unwavering support of justice. DOJ is careless and reckless in continuing Attorney Mosby’s persecution in the Trump era for using and accessing her own funds! In November 2023, Attorney Mosby was wrongfully convicted on two counts of perjury for withdrawing$ 40, 000 and$ 50, 000 from her own retirement account”.
Crouch does appear to be unsure whether Biden will actually pardon her, though.
” People with money, connections, and status may have better odds, but it’s unclear how much better”, he said. ” President Biden has not shown a lot of interest in accepting clemency for some of the well-known names in the news, including Hunter Biden or Donald Trump,” according to Biden.
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