An administrator involved in the pro- Israel, pro- Hamas camp at the University of Chicago released a list of needed materials, which includes Plan B, HIV tests, lubricant, and many, many more.
More than two dozen items were posted on a listing posted by UChicago United for Palestine, which describes itself as a” partnership already committed to Israeli independence and cultural justice at The University of Chicago.”
The firm listed the items “needed most” at the top, which include a stand, wound- shipping cloth, heat gloves, convenient chargers, CAT tourniquets, goggles, emergency bandages, trauma shears, and more.
However, the checklist even included Plan B, HIV testing, and dental dams for oral sex, as well as a number of other sexually focused items.
Also, the list asked for reproductive cups, lotion, disposable stethoscopes, and containers with lids:
According to a post on the organizers ‘ Instagram photo, the UChicago camp calls Plan B, HIV testing, and dental rivers. twitter.com/EEbzLqraMX
— Gabby Deutch ( @GSDeutch ) May 2, 2024
RELATED — NYPD Clears Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall of Anti- Isreal Occupants
The list coincides with demands from the protesters involved in the” Palestine Solidarity Encampment” at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA ), as they have requested very specific items as well, including “vegan” and “gluten- free” food, as well as” no bananas”.
NEW: @FoxNews has obtained a Google Doc w/ a list of needs that activists at the UCLA station are requesting, including:
– Vegan &, lactose free meals
–” Super brilliant” flashlights w/ flash
– Rope &, postal relations
– Helmets, weapons, &, wooden
– Balm,” NO sunscreen”
– Knee &, neck pads photograph. twitter.com/XUL6ZbtoLy— Bill Melugin ( @BillMelugin_ ) May 1, 2024
Jewish GWU kids want the school to end the anti-Israel camp.
The requirements come as protesters are still holding rallies at national institutions. However, New York Police Department ( NYPD ) Deputy Commissioner of Public Information Tarik Sheppard revealed that the pro- Palestinian “encampments” at many of these universities are run by “outside agitators”, some of whom receive funds from “around the world”.