In connection with a popular video showing them dumping trash into the Atlantic Ocean from a ship, two youngsters from Florida, US, one aged 15 and the other at age 16 both from Boynton Beach, turned themselves in to authorities on Friday. According to officials and court information, they are currently facing a criminal waste charge.
Each think is accused of one count of causing waste in order to harm or destroy human health or happiness, or any other pet, plant, or aquatic life or property, according to jail information from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ( FWC). This offense is a third-degree felony, which is punishable by a maximum sentence of five years in prison and a fine of$ 500,000.
Rodney Barreto, the head of the FWC, said in a speech on Friday that the disrespect for Florida’s setting must be eradicated. He described the event as a training time for all involved, stressing the importance of safeguarding Florida’s natural resources.
According to FWC, the incident occurred on Sunday in the Boca Inlet as the paddlers were leaving the yearly Boca Bash. The video, which father Wavy Boats shared on YouTube, shows two people dumping a garbage can full of trash into the sea.
The ship’s vehicle, the 15- year- older, was observed tossing several items including cheap water bottles, cans, food bags, plastic cups, and various debris into the water. According to the arrest report, he was seen lifting the garbage up over his nose and pumping it up and down in a joyous manner after dumping the debris.
Drone images in the video shows the debris scattered across the planet’s surface, with tides and weather dispersing the contaminants, according to the arrest record. The 16-year-old also dumped the contents of a garbage bin into the sea, according to the picture.
The youth ‘ parents apologized to those who were hurt by the incident in a speech and expressed their cooperation with the government. As part of the teenagers ‘ mastering process, they emphasized their dedication to community service and sea protection.
The statement read,” We take the responsibility of looking after our waters and our community extremely seriously, and we are deeply saddened by what took place last weekend at Boca Bash.”
Boca Bash organizers disassociated the occasion from the actions taken in the picture and condemned the behavior in a statement posted on their Instagram page. The statement read,” We do not accept this behaviour by any means, and we are appalled that the people even had the courage to cry at the aircraft as it was filming them dumping their garbage.” We hope that the consequences of the transgressions can be seen as a public warning about how significant our waters are to us native Floridians.