The wealthy benefited from progressive Hollywood while the poor benefited from poor treatment or were laid off.
In 2023, Hollywood’s CEOs and other top executives acted like bandits, with almost every workshop mind receiving a substantial raise or raise. Their people, who were forced to go through numerous cuts, budget cuts, and two legendary labor strikes that brought the business to a halt, stand in stark contrast to their losses.
Among the professionals who saw their payments fall were the CEO’s of Endeavor, Netflix, and Warner Bros. Discovery, according to statistics compiled by The Hollywood Reporter. The evaluation includes center pay as well as share- based compensation.
Hollywood suffered a significant loss in 2023 as a result of cuts.
Studios that have slashed their staff include the Walt Disney Company, Paramount, Warner Bros. Discovery, and Amazon MGM.
Warner Bros. Discovery CEO David Zaslav , got a whole lot richer, receiving a roughly 27 percent earn increase last year while overseeing mass layoffs at the advertising company.
For 2023, Zaslav’s compensation totaled$ 49.7 million, up 26.5 percent from the previous year when he received$ 39.3 million, according to the company’s 2024 proxy statement that was filed last month. Cuts included workers at CNN, HBO, and Turner Classic Movies.
As studios reduce the number of titles that receive the green light in an effort to lower costs, blue shirt staff members who maintain movie and television sets are even having a hard time finding work.
The Hollywood Reporter‘s list of 2023 increases in workshop executive compensation is available here.
Ari Emanuel ( Endeavor / TKO Group ) — Stock performance: up 4 percent, Pay increase: up 339 percent.
Ted Sarandos ( Netflix )  , — Stock performance: up 63 percent, Pay increase: down 0.1 percent.
David Zaslav ( Warner Bros. Discovery )  , — Stock performance: up 20 percent, Give boost: up 26 percent.
Greg Peters ( Netflix )  , — Stock performance: up 63 percent, Pay increase: up 43 percent.
Brian Roberts ( Comcast — parent company of NBC Universal )  , — Stock performance: up 26 percent, Pay increase: up 11 percent.
Bob Iger ( Disney )  , — Stock performance: up 1 percent, Pay increase: down 33 percent. ( This evaluation is 2023 opposed 2019.)
Bob Bakish ( Paramount )  , — Stock performance: down 17 percent, Pay increase: down 2 percent.
Michael Cavanagh ( Comcast )  , — Stock performance: up 26 percent, Pay increase: down 27 percent.
Adam Aron ( AMC Theatres ) — Stock performance: down 85 percent, Pay increase: up 7 percent.
Reed Hastings ( Netflix ) — , — Stock performance: up 63 percent, Pay increase: down 78 percent.
Sean Gamble ( Cinemark )  , — Stock performance: up 60 percent, Pay increase: up 47 percent.
Andy Jassy ( Amazon ) — Stock performance: up 78 percent, Pay increase: up 8 percent.
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