After violent information was revealed late on Friday evening, Florida judge Aileen Cannon delayed former president Donald Trump’s classified papers test. Perhaps more recent data points to the possibility that Trump may have been targeted by secret service agents.
Even if what transpired was n’t that heinous, some federal attorneys may have risked losing their licenses for handling improper evidence, even though that scenario has already been used against Trump numerous times.
As the law becomes more and more sophisticated, the cases are beginning to resemble investigations of government plots to imprison Democrats ‘ leading political rival by referring to him as a criminal. Another sign that the federal government is destroying equality before the law by using the US legal system to benefit fundamentalist supporters rather than justice.
The Feds planted the classified documents that gave rise to this situation, but did they grow them?
Two recent court filings provide evidence that federal employees may have hacked into a contentious research and an election-interfering court case by planting the classified documents that Trump and several of his aides used to hide. The first is the esoteric data that was revealed Friday: For 11 weeks, the special counsel’s office has been hiding some of the supposedly secret papers it claims Trump illegally possessed at Mar-a-Lago.
The special counsel’s office revealed in that news-dump-timed registration from Friday afternoon that the president’s office had removed what they believed to be classified documents because the president reportedly was not permitted to have them when federal agents raided Trump’s home in an extraordinary FBI raid. They say they marked these files’ unique place in the containers with “placeholder” sheets of paper marked for an products.
The special counsel claims that after these boxes were taken to the FBI’s Washington field company for further inspection, they discovered that they were not in the same condition as they were when they were seize at Mar-a-Lago. The special counsel’s office stated that “in some but not all cases, the FBI was able to identify a record with classification markings as a particular file sheet” (emphasis added ).
The FBI “generally” inserted the “handwritten plates,” which indicated there were instances to the supposedly unique places of allegedly classified documents Trump allegedly had in possession. The specific guidance states in a note that this circumstance is “inconsistent with what Government lawyers earlier understood and represented to the Court.” In other words, the specific guidance has been lying to the court, the people, and the Trump legal team throughout this whole investigation into the supporting evidence.
Some documents might be missing or added if they did n’t always mark moved documents with placeholders and were n’t sure what documents some placeholders correspond to. How can anyone be sure that the seized document boxes will accurately represent what Trump had if there is n’t a trustworthy and demonstrable inventory of the boxes? The DOJ acknowledges that the containers had been altered and are no longer in their initial state.
Next, there is the recently revealed notion that a national organization sent” two crates” of paperwork to Mar-a-Lago while the National Archives and Records Administration was putting together this records case. It’s unfamiliar who all had access to these record boxes during their shipping, temporary store in Virginia, and travel to Trump’s house. Were those cartons also setups? Imagine if some of the boxes the government sent during NARA’s dispute with Trump were containers that the DOJ could n’t recognize were there.
Possible Consequences: Tossing Case, Rewarding Lawyers
Trump’s defense asserts in a May 4 letter that the special counsel’s entire case was corrupted by the document-tampering:” [ We ] believed that most, if not all, of the charged documents were buried within the boxes and located next to other items that provided favorable context. Corrupting any allegedly classified records at issue in this case, they say, reduces legal security options, making this event debate.
According to” spoliation inference,” a party can infer that the party had reason to disregard evidence even though it was aware of guilt or other factors.  , Hence, the court will conclude that the evidence was not in spoliator’s favor”, says USlegal.com.
Spoilation is not only a federal crime, but it risks the licenses of any lawyers who do it, as it violates the American Bar Association’s codes of conduct. Defiring affected cases and filing lawsuits against those accused of spoiling it are examples of sanctions. Given that the DOJ’s investigation relies entirely on documents that have, it is undoubtedly true, been tampered with.
Biden’s White House Helped Instigate Classified Docs Lawfare
According to documents reviewed by reporter Julie Kelly, the White House and the Department of Justice attorneys worked with NARA to create what became the special counsel’s classified documents indictment, which came one year before the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago. According to White House visitor logs, NARA and the White House collusion may have started a few weeks into Biden’s presidency, according to the News.
So of course the classified documents case did n’t arise from concern over legal improprieties, as the complete lack of prosecution for the same conduct from Joe Biden, Mike Pence, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and DOJ leakers also proves. Utilizing federal resources and resources to stifle Democrats ‘ most powerful political rival and overturn the votes of half the nation, it was a political hit right away. Talk about an insurrection.
Trump’s current lawfare cases are as legally and m href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>orally enf href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>orceable as denying him a Russian spy in exchange f href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>or his impeachment from a Democrat smear operation. The classified documents scandal is the” strongest” of the five ( href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>or href=”https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/25/donald-trump-unindicted-co-conspirator-arizona-fake-elector-case/73450272007/”>seven ) attempting to bankrupt and imprison Trump so that Republicans ca n’t defeat him in the election, acc href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>ording to numerous media outlets. Outlets describing this case that way include Slate, Reason, The New Y href=”https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/trump-unindicted-co-conspirators-effort-overturn-2020-election-michiga-rcna149248″>ork Times, BBC, The Hill, Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The New Republic.
The’ Strongest ‘ Case Is a Setup
The case “is absolutely airtight”, a Georgia State professor told the BBC. The Wall Street Journal described the case as” serious” and contrasted Trump’s allegedly “willful” retention of classified documents with Hillary Clinton’s — accidental? unauthorized access to a private server with classified documents The classified docs case, according to National Review Editor Ramesh Ponnuru, is” the most convincing case against Trump.”
Really? These same organizations willingly smuggled Russian smuggled information into the DOJ and FBI with Spygate, affecting now three election cycles. They are the same people who lied about Ukraine to appease Trump’s corrupt government and lied about claims Hunter Biden’s laptop was” Russian disinformation”
They are the same individuals who allegedly set up a volunteer through shady intel contacts to a secret court to spies on Trump’s campaign. They’re the same people who amped up the” Russia, Russia”! by organizing a meeting between a Russian lawyer and Don Trump Jr. that he perceived as a waste of time but which was undoubtedly slandered in the news cycle for the association.
The Washington field office’s manager when the documents in Trump’s case were hacked, is Steven D’Antuono, the same person who oversaw the FBI’s capture of a group of shiftless dudes in a fake” conspiracy” against the governor of Michigan. Gretchen Whitmer. Just in time to “investigate” the Jan. 6 riots, when the same people and organizations blocked the release of security videos because they could reveal key federal agents and informants, D’Antuono was also imported back to D.C.
If the DOJ can prove that tampered evidence presented by hardened propagandists and high-level scam artists like these is the strongest case against Trump, that would be in line with all Americans ‘ needs.