Do you recall George Washington’s request for King George’s pampered Continental Army at Valley Forge as food for his starving troops? No? The typical dedicated innovative rarely requests a free meal from the foe, especially when the revolutionary is retaking control of the enemy’s property.  ,
While George Washington should have instructed the school brats to commit ( to a mental institution ) in a national temper anger against terrorists, George Washington is not. After all, their shouts for “freedom” are for a “resistance” action whose gathering cry is real murder of a people.  ,
The wealthy activists who are causing conflict at the country’s top higher education institutions have a reputation as revolutionaries. They are, to the amount that the fresh, taught Bolsheviks were important stupid to Trotsky, Lenin, and Joseph Stalin in the socialist revolution of 2017. However, he probably would have gotten an ice get to the back of the head sooner if Trotsky had requested a hot food and drink of Tsar Nicholas ‘ Avon while destroying the Russian kingdom.  ,
While yesterday’s campout demonstrators ‘ demands include the common pro- Hamas slogans — “divest, share, protest, mobilise and denounce” — the “from the river to the sea” chanters even want vegan cuisine.  ,
‘ It’s Crazy to State’
Johannah King- Slutzky, a grad student in English and comparative literature at Columbia University, just demanded that her school’s administration provide the school terrorists “basic charitable help” . ,
Do you want students to starve, dehydrate, or become seriously ill, even if you disagree with them? If the answer is no, then you should allow — I mean it’s crazy to say because we’re on an Ivy League campus, but this is, like, basic humanitarian aid we’re asking for. Like, could people please have a glass of water”, King- Slutzky said when asked why Columbia administrators should feed people who have taken over the university’s buildings.
The graduate student’s stirring dissertation on “fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760 to 1860” might provide a more in-depth response. Her goal, according to her Columbia bio, is” to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism” . ,
In order to update and refute historicalist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination, I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as seen through a Marxian lens. I have continued to be active in the higher education labor movement and have previously worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes.
Gluten- free Revolution
The Palestinian Solidarity Encampment’s band of socialist justice warriors demanded their supporters to deliver, according to a Google Document obtained by Fox News:
- Vegan and gluten- free food
- ” Super bright” flashlights with strobe
- Rope and zip ties ,
- Helmets, shields, and wood
- Lotion, but absolutely” NO sunscreen”
- Knee and elbow pads ,
I presume the” super bright” flashlights are for telling really scary ghost stories, like the one where a crazed Islamic terrorist group stormed into portions of Israel and raped, tortured, murdered, mutilated, and burned the bodies of more than 1, 000 Jews while taking hundreds hostage. The strobe light is, of course, intended to fuel the murderous rave that the angry campaigners are staging between Jewish students being attacked and school property vandals.  , Revolutions are hard.  ,
They say it never rains in California, but, man, it pours. That’s why the campus terrorists need umbrellas and rain ponchos, also on the” Urgent” list of camp needs. A pair of soggy HeyDudes is the only thing that can ruin a revolution.
EpiPens and non-steroid inhalers are requested as well as other medical supplies. Viva la resistance! and the asthmatics in the movement. As noted, please, for the love of Ala, no bananas. Food allergies and apartheid, the bane of fictional Palestine.  ,
According to Fox News, the UCLA Students for Justice in Palestine posted the document last week.  ,” We will not leave. We will remain here until our demands are met”, the group said in a statement.  ,
Fox News said organizers told donors to provide items” that comply with the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ( BDS ) movement, which promotes boycotts, divestment and economic sanctions against Israel”.
That was all quite enough for the far- left university. More than 200 people were detained and pushed out of Camp Palestine after squatters demanded that they would n’t leave until their absurd demands were met.  ,
Protesters on a hunger strike for Gaza at Princeton, the alma mater of James Madison ( a true freedom fighter ), essentially demanded that the university provide them with food.  ,
” This is absolutely unfair. My peers and I, we are absolutely starving. We are physically exhausted. I am quite literally shaking right now, as you can see”, whined a self- important, masked protester earlier this week.  ,
The hunger strikers were “both cold and hot at the same time”, and “immunocompromised”. Just like Gandhi. However, they vowed to persevere until Princeton administrators vehemently rejected their radical foreign policy demands.  ,
This brave member of the resistance would continue without cake or balloons, just like Washington, who longed for Mount Vernon but deservingly remained in the field.  ,
” I feel like I’m not doing anything special. The masked warrior remarked to cheers and reaffirming bucket drums,” This is my choice, and I would not spend my birthday doing anything other than standing in solidarity with you all and standing in solidarity with our siblings and the innocent people in Gaza.”  ,
Camp Hamas
If these Students for Genocide really want to step up their freedom- fighting game, U. S. Rep. Andy Ogles, R- Tenn., is happy to oblige. On Wednesday, Oles and some Republican colleagues introduced a bill that would send students who have been found guilty of engaging in illegal behavior on college campuses to Gaza for at least six months.  ,
Students have left their classes to harass and obstruct campus-wide activities, including university commencement ceremonies, across the country. Enough is enough”, Ogles told Fox News Digital.
I can assure you that Hamas will welcome them with allegiance, along with vegan and gluten-free meals.  ,
The Federalist’s senior elections correspondent, Matt Kittle, is. An award- winning investigative reporter and 30- year veteran of print, broadcast, and online journalism, Kittle previously served as the executive director of Empower Wisconsin.