Miss Israel was called a “war criminal”, a “little Zionist”, and threatened with a knife after identifying herself as a soldier in the Israel Defense Forces ( IDF) in New York City on Monday, according to reports.
While carrying a banner that read,” I am an IDF man, I am an IDF man,” Miss Israel Noa Cochva was berated and threatened on the streets of New York City. Beg me anything”, the Daily Mail reported.
As Cochva stood in Washington Square Park in Greenwich Village, following to New York University, one onlooker approached her, saying,” I heard there was a Zionist around”, with a knife struck at the beauty queen.
We were so afraid that we truly fled when she pulled a knife on us, Cochva told the New York Post. That girl appeared to be trying to upset us in real life. The hatred she has always had will never be forgotten.
Cochva was working with the pro-Israel organization” Information for Peace” to promote Israel. According to the Post, she was engaged in a” social test” to join with kids in “meaningful meetings” about the battle they have been so vocal in protesting.
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Jessica Schwalb via Storyful
” I’ve been to battle, and I know what it looks like from within”, she told the Post. ” But none of them wanted to talk or talk”.
” It’s an awful thing to see what’s going on at the institutes”, she said. It’s difficult to imagine a century of illiterate officials.
” You’re getting your data from TikTok instead of genuine- career people who have been to war”, she continued. ” To me, that’s knowledge”.
Another stranger shouted,” You are a war crime, how do you sleep at night”?
” I sleep really well because I know that I’m on the right area of history”, Cochva replied.
All people who are 18 years old must complete military support in Israel. Men are required to offer for three decades, while women are required to provide for two.
” Of the approximately 100 individuals she encountered, about 70 percent spewed pro- Israel responses, often shouting or rolling their eyes, she said. Only one man asked her an earnest problem”, the Post reported.
In a sad Instagram post following the suffering, the beauty queen said,” I was only trying to own peaceful interactions with them.”
” I took an oath to preserve one’s life. I treated Palestinians. I treated jihadists. I treated anyone in Gaza”, she said.
Cochva was stopped by an American military officer, according to the Post, who later thanked her and said,” I’m with your people.