But that Biden and his team may enjoy the accolades over his speech before stabbing Israel in the back, they decided to leave his decision to stop sending hands to Israel until Holocaust Remembrance Day. Biden’s decision to try and stop Israel from going into Rafah, including threatening Israel with future policy changes, would only allow Hamas to survive, retreat, and attack Israel again and again ( while they continue to hold American prisoner ).
In an effort to win all over, Biden has spoken out against Israel on both sides of the fence. Despite Biden trying to stop Hamas from completely, the leader and his team continue to discuss their “ironclad” assistance. He has also given Israel seminars and organized meetings with racist activists who accuse Israel of murder. In contrast to being critical of his effective efforts to protect jihadists who want to undertake yet another Holocaust, Bin Laden wants praise for his speech commemorating the Holocaust.
In other words, Biden does n’t have the moral backbone to stand with Israel against these activists ( the way, say, Sen. John Fetterman]D- PA] has, with unwavering conviction ). What changed from Biden’s security of Israel in 2006, for instance, where his “only condemnation” was that the land was n’t great at public relations to reveal that the jihadists are operating in human areas? The only changes are that Hamas massacred 1,200 civilians on the deadliest time for Jews since the Holocaust, and that Biden is then leader rather than a senator.
Through his determination to try to please anyone, Biden is pleasing no one. If he does n’t fully commit to their “river to the sea” cause, no attempt will please the antisemites he is courting in swing states like Michigan. As well as putting Israel and Hamas on the same planes, as National Security Council spokesman John Kirby did when he claimed both parties needed to possess “moral confidence” to reach a peace deal, blatantly demonstrating his hypocrisy and moral cowardice while constantly working to help a terrorist organization survive against their interests.
Biden is the final person to give a lecture on “moral fortitude.” He is governing the nation with his terrible social instincts based solely on his pathetic approval rating, not what is best. However for him and fortunately for the state, people on both sides of his political calculus are still turned off by his timidity. There is only one positive aspect to this suffering.