You can imagine how foolish people are because Apple is a totalitarian business before I run to its defence.
However, the outcry over an ad called” Crush”! Another illustration of how social media has spread the idea of being offended because it is cheap and simple to think morally superior to those who claim to be offended is simply stupid.
Here’s the advertisement that launched a million Also, I Unfortunate!
]embedded articles]
The ad is n’t even subtle. No one with an IQ greater than room temperature can see that advertisement and conclude that your new iPad Pro can handle all that beautiful and great stuff.
That’s it.
That’s the text.
There is nothing wrong with that information. The mobile Pro contains everything in its own space. When Apple carefully combines all that skill into one place, these babies are all making up their pretends that Apple is destroying it. Nothing is being destroyed.
So what’s the issue?
I’ll address the root of the issue by saying,” We coddle our grown children until they are forced to grow up,” and not “tell them to locked up and get over it.” Naturally, Apple resisted its colleague conservatives and withdrawn the advertisement. Nobody wants to go through life without losing their sanity to constant slurs like Hugh Grant and The Lesser Batemen.
But this anger is particularly revealing because it is over … everything. The expanded babies were looking for a reason to go out and fabricated one through a deliberate misinterpretation while they were sitting at home with their bare life.
Consider how blessed these expanded children must be, how great life must be, and how they can use their personal space to make up excuses for commercial offending. Should n’t these millionaires be out digging wells for Africans or something?
This is the worst kind of poisonous, anything- is- all- about- me selfishness. I’m offended. I’m a target. Do n’t think about how much privilege it must be to be offended by something so pointless and stupid. And please, please, please, please do n’t take offense to how I purposefully interpret this advertisement to make up an offense that my empty life so desperately needs.
Then comes my favorite portion…
Do you believe the new iPad Pro may be purchased by any of these whiner snobs?
Yep. All of them.
John Nolte’s first and last book, Borrowed Time,  , is winning five- sun shouts from regular users.  , You can read an excerpt , around and an in- level review , around.  , Even available in book and on Kindle and Audiobook.  ,