Breitbart director- in- captain and New York Times bestselling , Breaking Biden , creator Alex Marlow said Friday on Fox Business Network’s” Kudlow” that President Joe Biden announcing he withhold arms from Israel after Congress appropriated money for them is treasonous.
According to network Larry Kudlow,” Donald Trump was impeached because he did n’t send funds to Ukraine, which Congress had authorized.” Then, Trump did a , several months afterward, but he wanted to , make certain it was clear of , problem. He was impeached, and it was a , silly prosecution. He was never convicted. But with respect to Biden, Biden is basically saying to parliamentary appropriators,’ I’m not going to invest what you men sent me.’ Now, that is a bigger offense because , we do n’t know when he ever will,  , and he’s doing it during , wartime. See what I’m saying”?
He added,” This is a breaking of the law. Both the Supplemental Appropriations Bill and the National Defense Authorization Bill, which both passed, gave Biden the money to stop it, and they both passed them. You the n’t just pinky- node say Congress, I’m not doing what you , told me to do”.
Marlow said,” Yeah, this is prosecution by the Democrat’s individual requirements. They tried to impeach Trump for reportedly doing the , similar products. This is apparent as morning, Congress has already , appropriated this money and Democrats are now saying, Joe Biden is then saying we’re not giving , to Israel”.
He added,” Larry, look what is going to happen now. What is going to happen then is Israel is going , to have to take troops in on , the earth and they’re going to , die. There’s blood on the arms of Joe Biden for this shift. It is treasonous. Most important, he promised to be , an impenetrable supporter of Israel and now what we are seeing is he’s reneged on that. This is a huge rest and promise that has been broken. It will be socially devastating for Joe Biden, in my opinion.
Observe Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN