On Friday’s spread of MSNBC’s” Katy Tur Reports”, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz ( D- FL ) stated that President Joe Biden “has been ironclad” in his support of Israel but “what I think we have here is a concern of inaccuracy in the conversation from the President”. Additionally, that it “allows for errors” for the Biden administration to discuss its concerns with Israel personally. And look, Hamas risks being encouraged by the possibility or even possibility of it being less likely to be able to bring its hostages back, especially our British hostages, by leaving the impression of potential daylight.
Wasserman Schultz remarked,” I’m glad that President Biden has supported Israel ironcladly during and following October 7.” In spite of Democratic challenges, he has worked tirelessly to ensure that we continue to support our ally and that we receive the national security supplement that, in spite of numerous Democrat challenges, helped us receive the$ 4.3 billion needed for Israel. However, I believe the President’s connection has an issue with inaccuracy. What he said the other day [was ] not quite what it came across, according to what I had to say with the White House in the last few days. The President has stated that Israel needs to be informed that the 2, 000 and 500 pound silly bombs are not suitable for the wedding and engagement that Israel plans in Rafah, and that they have also been looking for and have not yet received a plan to evacuate civilians and ensure that they can offer civilians as much safety as conceivable. The White House is communicating to Israel. Because of our close relationship, we are able to communicate with Israel side by side in secret, as is often the case. Because we have such a close relationship with Israel that we should n’t be having these discussions behind closed doors, we should n’t be having this discussion.
Guest number José DÃaz- Balart next asked,” Do you think, Congresswoman, that the debate and discussion that we see on Capitol Hill, on university campuses throughout our country about the British involvement in Israel and with Israel really change? I know you talk about, for example, that mistake from the White House, but do you think that that conversation and dialogue that’s being carried out, mainly on Capitol Hill, is it time for a change”?
Wasserman Schultz responded,” Oh, definitely no. And I do n’t believe the President is even close to changing the country’s support for Israel. The U. S. Israel marriage is impenetrable. The President has frequently stated that, and because we have for a nearby relationship, it is critical that we be able to make sure that we have these kinds of communications one- on- one, side- by- side, and not have this debate play out but officially, because it leaves room for misunderstandings. And look, Hamas risks being encouraged by the possibility or even likelihood of it being less likely to be able to bring its hostages back home, especially our American hostages, by leaving the impression of potential daylight. As part of their cowardly PR campaign, Hamas wants to maximize the civilian toll of this operation. Look, we need to keep in mind that they are eager to sacrifice as many Palestinian lives as possible. That’s where they’re coming from. They are unconcerned with the loss of American life. And we need to make sure that our communication is accurate and that Israel’s existence is unavoidable.
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