The SAVE Act, which requires proof of citizenship to determine eligibility to cast ballot in federal elections, is unnecessary, according to congressional Democrats, who claim that federal law ( 18 USC 611 ) already forbids noncitizens from casting ballots in federal elections.
The government’s representatives who register voters and hold national elections are not required to provide evidence of citizenship, so those who make this claim overlook a flagrant flaw.
Therefore, noncitizens ‘ electoral practices are incredibly simple, making our votes extremely prone to interference from outside. Anyone can sign up to cast a ballot in national elections, whether they are citizens or illegal aliens. All they need to do is check a box and submit a form.
This is all on the recognition program. No proof of membership is required.
The Supreme Court has informed state officials, who are in charge of overseeing national voter registration and votes in our nation, that they are not permitted to evaluate citizen in this situation. In Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc., 570 U. S. 1 ( 2013 ), the Court held that the National Voter Registration Act ( NVRA, also known as the” Motor Voter” law ) prohibits states from requiring proof of citizenship when processing federal voter registration forms.
By requiring people registering to vote in national elections to offer proof of citizenship, the SAVE Act would close this glaring hole. Additionally, states would need to replace all noncitizens and examine the state’s current voter registration records.
Remember: almost every state concerns driver’s licenses to noncitizens, and 19 says issue them to illegal aliens. This, coupled with the Motor Voter rules and the Supreme Court’s ruling, makes it astonishingly easy for foreigners — legal and illegal — to vote in national elections, yet though they’re prohibited from doing so. We absolutely need the Protect Act in light of the fact that there are currently almost 30 million noncitizens in the United States, of which 12 million have entered improperly since the last presidential election.
While Democrats are already mocking the SAVE Act, they do n’t dispute that noncitizens should n’t vote in federal elections. Instead, they assert that the act is insufficient because noncitizens are expressly prohibited from participating in federal elections. For a simple reason, that argument fails: it implausibly assumes universal adherance to a law that has become incredibly simple ( and consequently tempting ) to violate.
Some claim that noncitizens did not dare to cast ballots in national elections because doing so would violate their current or upcoming immigration status. Even if this presumption were true for many ( or even the majority ) noncitizens in the United States, it would n’t disprove the need for the SAVE Act.
Voting among America’s 30 million noncitizens may have a significant impact on the outcome of a nearby national election. Given that parliamentary Democrats have inserted language” to waive inadmissibility for unlawful voting” into all of their amnesty bills, it’s odd that the left insists this so strongly in this regard, as the Immigration Accountability Project has pointed out.
Democrats ca n’t have it both ways, they ca n’t ( 1 ) credibly say that illegal aliens do n’t vote in federal elections, and then ( 2 ) expect us to forget their own proposals, which assume the opposite is true. In any case, why not take steps to stop it from occurring in the future, regardless of how many ( or how few ) noncitizens may have cast ballots in the past?
Your vote’s safety is in question. Now more than ever, we need to make sure that our votes are good, freely conducted, and free of foreign influence. To do that, it’s vital that Congress pass the SAVE Act.